Comradery vs. Camaraderie: Which one is Correct?

Comradery is another way to spell "camaraderie." However, comradery is not as popularly used as camaraderie, and many people view the former as a misspelling.

Main Comradery Takeaways:

  • Comradery is another way to spell camaraderie.
  • Both comradery and camaraderie are acceptable, but some consider comradery a misspelling.
  • You can’t go wrong using the camraderiespelling of the word
  • Both words come from the Middle French word camarade,” which refers to a roommate or companion.
  • Camaraderiedefinition: “goodwill,” “friendship,” or “brotherhood” among people, especially those joined by a common objective. Think of a sports team.
  • Synonyms for camaraderie include “brothership,” “fellowship,” “community,” “solidarity,” and “esprit de corps.”
  • Common misspellings include comraderie and camraderie.

If you’ve played team sports or taken a road trip with friends, you’ve probably experienced comradery. However, you may just want to reconsider spelling it that way.

Here’s a quick cheat sheet on the meaning, history, and proper spelling of the word comradery.

How Do You Spell Camaraderie and What Does it Mean?

Camaraderie is a noun that means “goodwill,” “friendship,” or “brotherhood” among people. It’s Middle French origin as camarade means roommate or companion and offers clues about the camaraderie definition. Usually, it describes the positive bond a group experiences when united around a common objective or through shared experiences. Soldiers in the military or members of a sports team are often symbols of camaraderie.

Which is Correct: Comradery or Camaraderie?

Comradery is another way to spell "camaraderie." However, comradery is not as popularly used as camaraderie, and many people view the former as a misspelling.
Comradery is another way to spell “camaraderie.” However, “camaraderie” is always correct while “comradery” may be seen as a misspelling.

Comradery means the same thing as camaraderie. It’s just a different way to spell camaraderie. However, only a few dictionaries list comradery as a real word. For example, the Merriam-Webster dictionary considers comradery an acceptable alternative spelling for camaraderie.

On the other hand, all major English dictionaries consider camaraderie as a correct spelling. As a result, most editors and writing tools flag comradery as a misspelling. So, to avoid being flagged as a misspelling, it’s highly advisable to use camaraderie instead of comradery. You can’t go wrong with camaraderie, since it is the universally accepted correct spelling.

How Do You Use Camaraderie in a Sentence?

Here are a few examples of how to use camaraderie in a sentence:

The camaraderie of the soldiers made it more bearable for them to be away from their families for such a long time.
After the company sponsored a team-building retreat, its employees experienced a renewed sense ofcomradery.

What is the Difference Between Comradery and Camaraderie?

Spelling may not be the only thing that’s different between these two words. By some measures, they’re also pronounced differently.

While comradery is typically pronounced kaam·ra·duh-ree, camaraderie sounds like kaam-uh-ra-duh-ree. In camaraderie, the cam may also take the vowel sound off of camera rather than that of optical.

The notable difference between them, however, is that in camaraderie, there’s an uh sound after cam. In comradery, there isn’t.

What is a Synonym for Comradery?

Synonyms and other words with similar meanings include “fellowship,” “companionship,” and “solidarity.”

Other synonyms include:

  • Brotherhood
  • Sisterhood
  • Friendship
  • Kinship
  • Community
  • Affinity
  • Esprit de corps
  • Togetherness
  • Team Spirit
INK comradery vs. camaraderie infograph.
Here’s a handy cheat sheet for all your Comradery questions.

Whether you elect to use a synonym or not, these similar words can help you better understand the meaning and spirit of camaraderie.

Plus, it’s easy to get tangled up in the spelling of camaraderie (or comradery, if you prefer). If you don’t like to memorize spellings, you might want to choose another word altogether. These options work just as well.

What Does Comradely Mean?

Comradely is an adjective that means something that is of or like a comrade. In short, it means a show of comradery.

She gave each soldier a comradely salute to congratulate them on a successful campaign.

From Camarade to Comrade

Unsurprisingly, camarade translates to comrade in English. A comrade is a fellow member of a group or organization. It may refer to someone who engages in similar activities as another. It’s also the root of comradery.

When exploring the meaning and usage of comradery, it’s almost impossible to ignore the elephant in the word: comrade.

New political ideologies in the 19th and 20th Centuries gave the word comrade a whole new meaning. Although it began as a way to show equality and solidarity among activists, it took on a heavy political connotation. Today, it’s often associated with communism, socialism, and the former Soviet Union.

Comrade becomes comradery with the addition of the suffix -RY. For camaraderie, the suffix is -RIE. They both serve to form nouns and may denote a behavior, state, or condition.

In fact, some dictionaries include “someone who belongs to theCommunist party or a person with extreme leftist views in the comrade definition.

This is because soldiers of the proverbial revolution often referred to each other as comrade. On the other hand, authorities often used comrade to refer to people they suspected to be communist sympathizers.

It’s important to note that controversial political association with comrade doesn’t generally spill over to comradery. However, this connotation may add shades of meaning to the word comradery, and not necessarily positive ones.

To completely avoid making any political or grammatical missteps, choose to spell the word as camaraderie.

From Greek to Latin to Middle French to Modern English

Although the concept of camaraderie has been around as long as humans walked the earth, the word has a later origin. In fact, comradery and camaraderie both made their debut in the mid-1800s.

According to Merriam-Webster, the first documented use of the word comradery occurred in 1862. Camaraderie made a much earlier appearance, showing up as early as 1840.

Both words originate with the Middle French word camarade,”which means a companion or roommate. It’s worth noting that camarade evolved from the Ancient Greek and Latin words for “chamber.”

A man holding a flag while standing on a platform labeled as "Search Engine Results." He's saying "camaraderie" while surrounded by his peers.
“Comradery” and “camaraderie” both originated from the Middle French word “camarade.”
  • Latin: camera
  • Ancient Greek: καμάρα (kamára)

In this way, it’s easy to see how the roommate (or “chamber-mate”) meaning of the Middle French version evolved. And, why camaraderie today refers to a bond acquired through a shared experience, much like living with someone.

Camaraderie Misspellings

From Sharknado to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, we live in an age of mashups. In fact, common misspellings of camaraderie typically stem from mashups of its two most common spellings. This includes:

  • Comraderie
  • Camraderie
  • Comaraderie
  • Comrodery
  • Comeradity
  • Commradery
  • Commodory
  • Comaradity
  • Cameradery

Camaraderie and Morale: Two Oft-Confused Words

With the spelling of camaraderie out of the way, there’s one more factor to look at. Is camaraderie the word you want, or would morale be a better choice?

It’s no surprise that these two words confuse people since they both tend to apply to teams and groups of people. So what’s the difference?

Camaraderie means goodwill or brothership among people of a group. Morale, on the other hand, refers to the mental or emotional state of a person or group.

Differences Between Morale and Camaraderie

There are several main differences between these two often-confused words.

  • Camaraderie can play a part in morale. But high morale is not necessary to build camaraderie.
  • Morale can happen quickly as a result of a positive event. Camaraderie is based on the building of relationships and takes time.
  • Camaraderie refers to a positive state. Morale can be either positive or negative.
Morale was low after the boys lost the game, butcamaraderiehit an all-time high as they nursed their wounds together.

In The Spirit of Camaraderie

No matter how you spell it, camaraderie‘s spirit is one of fellowship, community, and deep understanding. By adding this word and those similar to it to your vocabulary, you can embrace the camaraderie of wordsmiths everywhere.

Quick Comradery Quiz

Comradery Question #1

Which of these statements is/are correct?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

The answers are B and D. Comradery and Camaraderie are variations of the same word. But comradery only appears in a few dictionaries.

Camaraderie Question #2

Comradery and Camaraderie have the same pronunciation.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is FALSE. In camaraderie, there's an uh sound after cam. In comradery, there isn't.

Comradery Question #3

Select the correct spelling.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is D. The misspellings come from a mash-up of the two most common spellings — comradery and camaraderie.

Camaraderie Question #4

Which word is NOT a synonym for camaraderie?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is B. Morale refers to the mental or emotional state of a person or group. Meanwhile, camaraderie means goodwill among the people of a group.

Read More: Is it for all Intents and Purposes or Intensive Purposes?

🙇My Apologies or My Apology: Say Sorry the Right Way

If you want to show remorse for a mistake that you did, you say, "my apologies." If you're referring to an apology that you made or yet to make, you say, "my apology."

Main My Apologies Takeaways:

  • My apology and my apologies are both correct. However, they have different functions.
  • Use my apology (singular) when referring to a specific apology. This might be an apology that you already made or you will make.
  • Use the phrase my apologies (plural) to express that you’re sorry for something that you did. You can use this phrase in place of I’m sorry or I apologize.
  • My apologies follows the same colloquial rule as (my) congratulations and my condolences. These phrases are actually shortened versions of the full phrases “please accept my apologies/congratulations/condolences.”
  • The word apology is a noun with three potential meanings.
The email containsmy apologyand a link to a story about the meaning of friendship.
My apologies! I didn’t mean to bump into you.

You’ve made an error. Maybe you offended someone, were late, or said something inappropriate. It happens to us all. But, what now? If you want to make up for your mistake, it’s time to apologize. Using the wrong word could derail your entire mea culpa. We’ll walk you through the difference between my apology and my apologies, plus give you a the best ways to use both.

A boy looking sad while saying "my apologies" to a distraught-looking girl.
If you want to show remorse for a mistake that you made, you say, “my apologies.” If you’re referring to an apology that you made say, “my apology.”

Is it Correct to say My Apologies?

They’re both correct, but whether to use my apologies (plural) or my apology (singular) depends on what you want to say. On one hand, if you want to say that you’re sorry, it is correct to say my apologies(plural). This is because “my apologies” is short for “please accept my apologies,” and you can use both phrases in place of I’m sorry or I apologize. You can also simply say “apologies,” just like you might just say “sorry.” However, this may be considered less formal, personal, and genuine than the full phrases. On the other hand, if you want to refer to a specific apology that you made, it is correct to say my apology.

My apology is an expression of ownership. You’re referencing an apology you made or are going to make.

In some cases, you may swap out “my” for “her” or “him.” It depends on whom the subject of your sentence is.

Tameka senther apologiesfor not being able to attend the wedding.
Please acceptour apologies. We had no idea we were blocking your driveway.

Can I use Sincere Apologies?

You can use my sincere/sincerest apologies as an alternative to phrases like I’m sorry, and forgive me. Generally, my apologies and my sincere apologies are more formal than I’m sorry.

Here are examples of how to use my sincere apologies in a sentence:

She offered me her sincere apologies for her outburst last night.
Please accept my sincerest apologies for the way that I treated you.
I extend my sincere apologies for failing to cancel your reservation.
The board deeply regrets this situation, and offers its sincere apologies to all affected.
Two images. First image shows a hand writing on a piece of paper "Dearest Sweetheart, Please accept my apology." Second image shows a couple at a restaurant. The guy looks frustrated while the waiter is saying "My sincerest apologies!"
“My apology” is an expression of ownership while “my apologies” is short for “please accept my apologies.”

How do you use Apology in a Sentence?

Here are examples of how to use apology in a sentence:

You owe me anapology.
Do you accept my apology?
Unfortunately,my apologycame too late. I wasn’t forgiven.
She heardmy apologyand was gracious enough to say we could start with a clean slate.
Hisapologyfelt forced, and I didn’t believe it for one second.

The word apology is a noun with three potential meanings:

  1. Indicate a poor-quality example of something.
  2. Refer to an acknowledgment of regret.
  3. Refer to a logical argument or justification.
Anapologywould go a long way toward smoothing over a difficult situation.
The hospital cafeteria’s meatloaf was anapologyfor a meal.
That lacklusterapologyfor a car wouldn’t run if you paid it.
The speech was nothing but a poorly disguisedapologyfor greed.

How do you Apologize Professionally?

It’s crucial to start any apology with a genuine expression of remorse. Be sure you’re considering and showing understanding for the other party’s feelings. Admit your error and ask how you can make things better. Finally, end with an assurance that you’re committed to doing better in the future.

How do you say Apologies in Email?

Whether it’s a professional or personal apology, there are several steps to crafting the perfect apology email or letter. First, give a detailed description of the situation. Second, acknowledge the damage, pain, or inconvenience your actions caused. Third, and perhaps most important, you need to take full responsibility. Part of this is recognizing your or the company’s role in the issue. Fourth, clearly state that you regret what happened and that you know that it was hurtful. Fifth, ask for forgiveness. Next, pledge that you won’t make the same mistake again. Finally, offer restitution or compensation whenever possible. In other words, offer a way to make it right.

Best Phrases to Apologize in an Email

  1. Please accept my sincere apologies for…
  2. I would like to apologize on behalf of our company.
  3. I would like to express my deep regrets for…
  4. Please allow me to apologize for…
  5. I apologize for my failure to…
  6. Please accept my apologies.
  7. I apologize. I didn’t realize the impact of…
  8. Please accept our deepest apologies for…
  9. Please allow me to apologize for…
  10. I’m particularly sorry for…
  11. Please accept this as my formal apology for…

Sample Apology Email

Here is an example of a formal, work-friendly apology email:

Dear Danitza,

I’m writing to conveymy apologiesfor the confrontation we had in the break room yesterday. I completely misunderstood that the vanilla creamer in the fridge was something special you brought from home. Suggesting you were a “creamer hoarder” was completely out of line. I can see how you must’ve felt threatened and embarrassed, and there is no excuse for how I reacted.

Iapologizecompletely and am open to a sit-down to discuss the issue further. In the future, I promise to respect the contents of our shared work fridge. I’ll also consider other people’s feelings before jumping to conclusions re: any creamer-related situations.

Best regards,


The most important thing about an apology is that you mean what you’re saying. However, it’s better if you can express it adequately, too. Follow these guidelines, and all your future apologies may get you back in good graces ASAP.

Are you Ready to Make the Perfect Apology? Test Your Skills!

Apology Question #1

What part of speech is “apology”?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is A. “Apology” is a noun that refers to an acknowledgment of regret of failure.

My Apology or My Apologies Question #2

“My apology” and “my apologies” have the same meaning.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is FALSE. “My apology” is an expression of ownership. It references an apology that you made or have yet to make.

My Apologies Question #3

Which of these is a direct substitute for “my apologies”?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is A. You can say “I'm sorry” instead of “my apologies.”

My Apology Question #4

Select the grammatically correct sentence.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is B. The speaker is telling someone that they're sorry for not attending a meeting.

My Apology vs. My Apologies Question #5

Select the grammatically correct sentence.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is A. The speaker is referencing an apology that she made.

My Apology or My Apologies Quiz Result
You're an expert!

You're an expert!

Not Bad!

Not Bad!

Almost got it! Review the article and try again.

Almost got it! Review the article and try again.

Read More: Other Ways To Write Hope You Are Well In Your Email

; Semicolon Tattoo: Because Your Story Isn't Over

A picture of a wrist tattooed with a semicolon punctuation mark. Semicolon tattoo.

Editor’s Note: This post was published for informational purposes only. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please head over to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to find immediate support.

Main Semicolon Tattoo Takeaways:

  • A semicolon tattoo features the semicolon punctuation mark (;).
  • It is a message of solidarity in the struggle against suicide, addiction, and depression.
  • In grammar, instead of choosing to end a sentence with a period, authors use a semicolon to mean a pause before a sentence continues.
  • For this reason, the semicolon tattoo represents where a life could have ended, but chose to endure and continue.
  • Project Semicolon is a nonprofit organization designed to support individuals struggling with mental illness or suicidal tendencies.
  • Creative semicolon designs make the tattoo more personal by transforming the symbol into hearts, infinity signs, butterflies, dragonflies, and other unique artwork.

Tattoos can be immensely personal. They can represent milestones and achievements. They can also commemorate memories and loved ones. What does a semicolon tattoo mean? Here, we explore its history and how it helps erase stigmas surrounding mental health issues.

Why is a Semicolon a Symbol for Depression?

In literature, a semicolon symbolizes the continuation of a sentence rather than an ending. Similarly, in life, a semicolon tattoo symbolizes an individual’s choice to keep going. It lets people know that life, like a sentence, can go on. A semicolon inked on someone’s wrist symbolizes hope in the face of depression, suicide, addiction, or mental illness. What’s more, the symbol has long been associated with Project Semicolon. This nonprofit organization fights to erase the stigma around these issues. It also uses the tattoo to raise awareness about them.

A cartoon drawing of a wrist tattooed with a semicolon punctuation mark to help illustrate the meaning behind the Semicolon tattoo.
The semicolon tattoo reminds people suffering from depression, addiction, and suicidal tendencies that their stories are not yet over.

A Brief History of the Semicolon Tattoo

In 2013, Amy Bleuel transformed the semicolon from a simple punctuation mark into a meaningful social symbol.

Bleuel sought to honor her father after losing him to suicide. She searched for a symbol that could represent hope in the face of suicide. And, also be a symbol hope for those struggling with depression, addiction, and other mental health issues.

The ideal symbol, Bleuel realized, was the semicolon.

“Through the pain came inspiration and a deeper love for others. God wants us to love one another despite the label we wear. I do pray my story inspires others. Please remember there is hope for a better tomorrow. ~Amy Bleuel, Founder, The Semicolon Project

Beyond the personal meaning that the semicolon carried for her, Bleuel founded Project Semicolon. This nonprofit organization is designed to raise awareness of mental health issues.

Furthermore, the project supports individuals struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts.

Its slogan—Your story isn’t over—is embodied by the semicolon.

A semicolon integrated into an infinity loop to signify that your story isn't over yet.
The semicolon was chosen by Amy Bleuel, founder of Project Semicolon, because it represents a continuation and not an ending.

This organization encourages and empowers those living with depression. Furthermore, it provides a safe place to discuss suicidal thoughts and draw strength from a community of survivors.

Sadly, Bleuel lost her own lifelong battle with depression at the age of 31. Her legacy lives on through her organization. And, the many lives it enriches.

Should I get a Semicolon Tattoo?

The three main reasons to get a semicolon tattoo are to honor survivors of mental illness, raise awareness for these causes, and show your support for this community. This inked punctuation mark has come to stand for something that is empowering and intimate. First, it is an affirmation of life. Moreover, it’s a message of solidarity in the struggle against suicide, addiction, and depression. For example, if you’ve survived hardship or tragedy, it’s a powerful reminder of how far you’ve come. Even if you haven’t struggled with these themes personally, a semicolon tattoo is also a bold way to show your support for those who have endured.

Whether you want to tell your own story or support someone else in their struggle, you might be considering a semicolon tattoo.

Ultimately, getting a tattoo is a personal choice. However, here are a few things to consider before getting a semicolon tattoo:

  • You may need permission: If you’re under 18, you’ll need a parent or guardian’s permission to get the tattoo.
  • Be ready to share: A semicolon tattoo symbolizes your battle with depression, suicide, or mental health illness. People might ask, so make sure you’re ready to share your story.
  • There are non-permanent options: If you want to support the cause but don’t want a permanent tattoo, consider drawing a semicolon somewhere on your body instead. Or, using a semi-permanent option like henna. Both are a temporary but effective way to deliver the same message.

Here are 3 reasons to get a Semicolon Tattoo:

1. Honor Survivors

In writing, a semicolon is a common punctuation mark that signals a pause rather than the end of a sentence. As a tattoo, the semicolon is meant to remind these inked individuals that their stories aren’t over.

For this reason, Bleuel saw the semicolon as representing the continuation of life. As a result, Bleuel believed the semicolon was a perfect metaphor for surviving.

A semicolon mark superimposed on a heart. Text reads "You Matter."
Over the years, the semicolon tattoo has turned into a symbol of hope for people suffering from depression and addiction. It’s been used to spread awareness and to let people know that they matter.

In this way, the tattoo honors lives that could have ended but didn’t. And, encourages them to share their tales.

Through its message, Project Semicolon its followers help others continue to write their story.

2. Raise Awareness

One of Project Semicolon‘s main goals is and is to raise awareness about suicide and suicide prevention. That’s how the semicolon tattoo was born.

Individuals affiliated with Project Semicolon and suicide survivors or individuals struggling with mental health issues began to tattoo semicolons on their bodies.

If you or someone you know needs help, please contact:

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP

National Drug Helpline at 1-844-289-0879

Outside of the community, the tattoo helps keep these important themes visible.

For instance, someone might see the tattoo and ask about what it means. As a result, this helps start conversations about difficult topics like depression, suicide, and addiction.

On one hand, these conversations help further erase stigmas around discussing and seeking help for these issues.

On the other hand, these conversations help educate people about these struggles and how they can contribute to helping someone continue their story.

3. Show Your Support

Among survivors and supporters, the hope was to create a sense of pride and community. In turn, this comradery could help to erase any stigma around suicide and mental illness.

These days, thousands of individuals around the world proudly sport semicolon tattoos.

These tattoos start conversations about once-taboo topics. Additionally, these small symbols let people know that they aren’t alone.

Three panels showing different variations of the semicolon tattoo. First panel shows the semicolon tattoo with the dot on top of the comma replaced by a heart. Second panels shows a semicolon with wings on each side. Third panels shows a semicolon with a butterfly resting on the upper right corner of the dot.
Claim V;CTORY over your struggle.

Semicolon Tattoo Ideas

To create unique semicolon-inspired designs, many tattoo artists incorporate semicolons into other images.

One famous example is the cat. It can be created by replacing the top portion (the dot) of the semicolon with a cat’s head, while the curved portion forms a tail.

Another popular option is replacing the top dot of the semicolon with a heart.

As semicolon tattoos find their way into our national culture, people add their own creative twists to represent their unique stories. Combine this powerful symbol with artwork or quotations to imbue it with even more personal meaning.

Other people opt to combine the semicolon with other symbols of hope and survival to create additional meaning.

One unique design shows the dot of the semicolon dissolving into birds flying away. In many cultures, birds represent freedom, making this a potent and beautiful symbol of the potential for moving on.

Here are other symbols that you can combine with semicolon tattoos:

  • Hearts
  • Infinity signs
  • Crosses
  • Heartbeat lines
  • Musical notes
  • Rainbows

These images may represent a person’s interests. Or, symbolize the things that helped them through difficult times.

Hearts may also represent support for friends or family living with depression.

Where to Place Your Semicolon Tattoo

Although the wrist is the most common place for a semicolon tattoo, you can get one anywhere.

However, its customary for the tattoo to be visible. This is to help start conversations about personal and collective struggles with mental illness.

Ideal places for a semicolon tattoo include:

  • wrist
  • ankle
  • shoulder
  • behind an ear
  • fingers or toes

Because it’s not the Final Word: A Note To Those who may be Struggling

Unlike a period, the semicolon does not end a sentence. Instead, it communicates that the sentence will continue.

If you or someone you know are struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, you’re never alone.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline offers free, confidential support to anyone and everyone. Reach the hotline 24 hours a day by dialing 1-800-273-8255.

If you’re struggling with addiction, call SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP.

Your life is worth it.

Everyday vs. Every day: Here's how to Pick the Correct Word

everyday vs. every day: The word "everyday" is an adjective. It describes something that is commonplace. On the other hand, the phrase "every day" is synonymous with "each day." It refers to an event that happens daily.

Main Everyday vs. Every day Takeaways:

  • Both everyday and every day are correct, but they mean different things.
  • When it’s one word, everyday is an adjective. It describes something that is commonplace or ordinary.
  • When it’s two words, every day is the same as saying “each day”. It refers to something that happens daily.

Is Everyday one or two Words?

If you’re trying to say that something is commonplace, then it’s one word. Opt for everyday. Conversely, if you’re trying to describe something that happens daily, then it’s two words. Go for every day. Here’s a quick trick to help you remember the difference and decide which word you need: If you can replace the word with the phrase “each day”, then you need the two-word version of every day. This one always refers to frequency.

He’s so handsome, he can throw on an everyday pair of jeans and look as good as he does in a three-piece suit.
Valentina wakes up at 6:30 am every day to walk her puppy before she heads to work.
everyday vs. every day: The word "everyday" is an adjective. It describes something that is commonplace. On the other hand, the phrase "every day" is synonymous with "each day." It refers to an event that happens daily.
The word “everyday” is an adjective. It describes something that is commonplace. On the other hand, the phrase “every day” is synonymous with “each day.” It refers to an event that happens daily.

Which is Correct: Everyday or Every day?

Both words are correct, but they are not interchangeable. On one hand, everyday is an adjective and means ordinary, average, or commonplace. On the other hand, every day is usually part of an adverbial phrase. It means daily or describes something you do as part of a daily routine.

Every day is a noun phrase that means “each day.”

In Seattle, it rains pretty much every day.

Everyday functions as an adjective. It describes an action or item that’s commonplace or something that you do as a matter of habit.

In Seattle, rain is pretty much aneverydayoccurrence.

Everyday vs. Every day: Compound Word vs. Noun Phrase

If you’re struggling with choosing between everyday and every day, you’re not alone. Everyday vs. every day is just as confusing as a lot vs. alot and anytime vs. any time.

They look the same; they sound the same, so why aren’t they the same?

Visually, the only difference between these two words is a small space. This is what’s responsible for most of the confusion between everyday and every day.

However, grammatically, the difference is a lot larger. It’s the difference between a word and a phrase.

  • Everyday is compound word made up of two words.
  • Every day is not a compound word. Instead, it’s a simple phrase made up of two words.
Two scenes. Scene on the left shows a young man choosing a pair of plain yellow shirt and jeans over a set of coat, tie, and trousers for his everyday attire. The other scene shows the same young man doing one of his routines every day, brushing his teeth.
The word “everyday” refers to ordinary, usual, or unremarkable things. Meanwhile, the phrase “every day” means daily, day by day, or per diem.

Because I love food, I’ll use cheese and bread. Let’s make every the cheese and day the bread.

You can enjoy each food individually. You don’t have to eat together because they work just fine on their own. Similarly, every is a word that functions just fine on its own without day.

But, you can eat them together. Maybe as a quick snack or part of a cheese plate with other items like fruit and cold cuts. In the same way, the individual words every and day can work together to make the phrase everydayas part of a sentence.

What’s more, when you meld cheese and bread together with heat, the combination creates something entirely different: a grilled cheese. This is more similar to fusing everyand day together to form the compound word everyday.

Beyond Everyday: Other Compound Word Examples

For a non-food example, black and bird are two words that can stand alone. Or, you can put them together to form the word blackbird.

Watch Out!Some compound words require a hyphen, but everyday does not.
She couldn’t wait to ride themerry-go-round.

In each of these examples, the joined words create a different meaning compared to when the words were separated. The same idea applies when using everyday or every day.

Building on the concept of compound words, we see that “every” and “day” can indeed stand alone. But you can combine them into a single word with an entirely different meaning.

A boy picking a jar from the grocery shelf for everyday products.
Everyday is an adjective. It refers to an action or item that’s commonplace or something that you do as a matter of habit.

The Best Trick for When to use Which Word

The easiest way to keep things straight is to ask yourself whether you’re talking about each day or something commonplace or average.

So, if you can replace everyday or every day with “each day,” you know that you should go with the two-word option.

I have the same Caprese salad for luncheach day.
I have the same Caprese salad for lunchevery day.
I have the same Caprese salad for luncheveryday.

As for everyday, remember that it’s an adjective. As such, it will almost always come before a noun. We use everyday to describe something ordinary. You can also swap it with its synonyms such as“regular,” “daily,” “familiar,” “conventional,” or “unremarkable.”

With two kids under the age of three, feeling tired is acommonoccurrence.
With two kids under the age of three, feeling tired is aneverydayoccurrence.
With two kids under the age of three, feeling tired is anevery dayoccurrence.

Everyday vs. Every day: How to use Them in a Sentence

Examples of “Everyday” in a Sentence

Polly used hereverydaydishes for dinner instead of her good china since there were no guests.
I’m so fed up with the neighbor’s dogs! Their insane barking is aneverydayoccurrence, and it’s driving me bonkers.
I reserve my high heels for date night and have comfy flats foreverydaywear.
It’s not the big moments that matter, but rather theeverydayinteractions that can leave a lasting impact.
Monica has special soaps for important people and another set foreverydayuse.

Examples of “Every day” in a Sentence

Use every day when you’re referring to something that happens each day. You’re most likely going to use every day to talk about a daily occurrence. This may be something everyone frequently does, or it could be an action that’s a permanent part of your routine.

I get a fancy flavored coffeeevery day.
Sebastian wakes up at 6 amevery dayto get his workout in before breakfast.
It’s important to brush your teeth at least twiceevery day.
Every dayis an opportunity to rethink your strategy and make your marketing count.

So remember: Everyday is an adjective that describes something ordinary, average, or mundane. The phrase every day is the same as “each day.” And the rest, as they say, is gravy.

Is Everyday Written Together? Test Your Skills!

Everyday Question #1

What part of speech is “everyday”?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is B. “Everyday” is an adjective that describes an action or item that's commonplace or something that you do as a matter of habit.

Every day Question #2

“Every day” is an adjective.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is FALSE. “Every day” is a noun phrase that means “each day.”

Everyday vs. Every day Question #3

Which of these is NOT a synonym for “everyday”?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is B. You can't interchange “everyday” and “each day” in a sentence.

Everyday or Every day Question #4

Which sentence is grammatically correct?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is A. Use “every day” when talking about something that happens each day.

Everyday vs. Every day Question #5

Which sentence is grammatically correct?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is A. Use everyday when talking about something that is a regular occurrence.

Read More: Anytime Vs. Any Time: What’s The Correct Word To Use?