Noone or No One: Is It One Word or Two?

noone or no one

Is it no-one or no one? Or, noone? In this guide, you’ll discover the difference between noone, no one, no-one, and nobody. Plus, you’ll see the best example sentences and explore synonyms you can use instead of these indefinite pronouns.

Main Noone or No One Takeaways:

  • The correct way to spell no one is with two words.
  • Noone is a common misspelling of no one. It’s never correct.
  • No-one with a hyphen is a variant of no one. It’s technically correct in some contexts, but it isn’t commonly used. No one is always correct.
  • Nobody is a more informal version of no one.
Noonewanted the last slice of pizza.
I asked if anyone wanted the the last slice of pizza, but no one did.
Nobody wanted to eat another bite.
noone or no one
No one is an indefinite pronoun that means no person. Meanwhile, noone is a common misspelling of no one. It’s never correct.

Which is Correct: No One or Noone?

The correct spelling is no one (two words). Noone is a common misspelling of no one. While no-one with a hyphen might be an acceptable variant in some situations, no one as two separate words is always correct. For this reason, we recommend always spelling no one as two words without the hyphen.

Is it No-one or No one?

You may see no one expressed with a hyphen as no-one. Notwithstanding, this variant isn’t common in modern English. Still, it does make rare appearances. However, it should not be used when writing out the phrase no one person. Instead, to ensure you always spell no one correctly, use two separate words. This is the optimal spelling. In this way,noone” is never an acceptable spelling of no one.

When it came to politics, James listened tono-onebut Judy.
When it came to politics, James listened tono-oneperson.
When it came to politics, James listened tonoonebut Judy.
When it came to politics, James listened tono oneperson.

What is Noone?

Noone (one word) is a misspelling of the indefinite pronoun no one (two words). Instead, no one spelled with two words and without a hyphen is always correct. Just like its less formal synonym nobody, the word no one means “no person” (No one/Nobody is home).

📝 No one is an indefinite pronoun that means no person.

Why Do People Write “Noone” Instead of “No One”?

There are two main reasons why some people spell no one as noone.” First, and the most obvious reason, is that they simply don’t know that noone is an incorrect spelling. Second, words with two consecutive ‘Os‘ or ‘oo‘ are commonly known to have single phonemes. Take for instance the following words:

  • neighborhood
  • book
  • foot
  • hood
  • food

Always keep in mind, noone is not a word. Don’t get confused because its antonym “anyone” is spelled as one word. Or because “nobody,”“nowhere,” and “nothing” are also spelled as single terms. The correct indefinite pronoun is no one.”

Is No one the Same as None?

While there is some overlap, the indefinite pronoun no one is not exactly the same as none. On one hand, no one refers to people only (No one responded to the question). On the other hand, none can refer to people and inanimate objects.

The courier knocked and knocked, but no one answered the door.
I was expecting to receive several packages today, but none of them arrived.
The activist hoped the students would volunteer to help with the charity event, but none did.
The activist hoped the students would volunteer to help with the charity event, but no one did.

📝 No One Meaning:

  • No one expresses the absence of people.
  • It means no person or not anyone.
  • This pronoun is commonly misspelled as noone.
A professor looking confused after seeinA professor looking confused after entering an empty classroom. He's asking himself "Why is there no one here?"
Nobody is a more informal version of no one.

How do you use no one in a Sentence?

Here are examples of how to use no one in a sentence:

No oneknew what to say to Nadia after the death of her mother.
I can’t believe that no one offered to help Jacob to his feet after he slipped on the ice!
Despite numerous pleas from the candidate,no oneshowed up at the rally that July.
When it came to politics, James listened tono onebut Judy.
No oneever told Laura what to do and got away with it.

Can you Start a Sentence with No one?

Yes, you can start a sentence with no one. In fact, no one is an indefinite pronoun that means no person. Since you can begin a sentence with other indefinite pronouns and pronouns in general, you can use no one and nobody in the same way. Always spell no one as two words. What’s more, if you start a sentence with a negative word like no one, be sure the rest of the sentence doesn’t include another negative. This is because double negativesare grammatically incorrect in English.

No one is perfect but we can all strive to be better every day.

What do we use With no one: Has or Have?

Since no one is singular, we use the singular verbhas” with this indefinite pronoun, and never the plural “have.” Therefore, make sure your sentence reflects correct subject-verb agreement by always using has with no one.

No onehave the power to live forever.
No onehas the power to live forever.

What is Another Word for no one?

Here is a list of synonyms for no one:

  • Nobody
  • Not one person
  • No person
  • Not anybody
  • No individual
  • Not anyone
  • Not a soul

For example, nobody is considered less formal than no one. As a result, it may be more appropriate for informal or casual conversations.

No onecould steer Liam away from trouble when he set his mind to it.
Nobodycould steer Liam away from trouble when he set his mind to it.
Not one personcould steer Liam away from trouble when he set his mind to it.

It’s extremely important to note that there are several synonyms and substitutable phrases for no one and nobody, but nuances in meaning should be considered when using them.

Not a soulcould steer Liam away from trouble when he set his mind to it.
Just say no to one word no one.
Noone is a common misspelling of no one.

Taken a certain way, the phrase not anyone in the above example implies the possibility that someone special could potentially steer Liam away from trouble. For additional emphasis, you might write it as not just anyone.

Not anyonecould steer Liam away from trouble when he set his mind to it.

However, the above phrasing suggests that Liam is unfortunately bound for trouble no matter what.

She worried thatnoonewould come to her big party.

Nobody and no one are negative pronouns we use to form negative clauses. Never combine these with other negatives to form a double negative.

Noone didn’t want a slice of cherry pie.
Noone refused a slice of cherry pie.

What is the Opposite of no One?

The literal opposite of no one is every one, which means every person. Here are several other antonyms for no one and nobody:

  • Everyone
  • Everybody
  • All people
  • Each and every one
  • Every person
  • One and all
Everybody turned out for the town’s bicentennial celebration.
One and all turned out for the town’s bicentennial celebration.
Each and every one of its residents turned out for the town’s bicentennial celebration.

Notice that every one and everyone are both included as antonyms for no one. It’s important to note that these words have distinct meanings and are not interchangeable.

  • Every one (two words) refers to each single member of a group.
  • Everyone (one word) refers to the collective members of a group.
Every one of the parishioners took the time to shake the clergyman’s hand before he left.
The clergyman wanted to thank everyone in the parish for their support.

Is it No One or Nobody?

The answer to this question isn’t cut and dry. Both nobody and no one are indefinite pronouns that mean not any person. Although both are technically correct, no one tends to be more common in formal writing, including professional and academic work.

Nobody ever told Laura what to do and got away with it.
Whatno onementioned was that the venue was an hour’s drive away.
What nobody mentioned was that the venue was an hour’s drive away.

How do you use Nobody and No One?

Nobody and no one both mean “not any person.” Additionally, they are indefinite pronouns. Although they mean and may be used interchangeably, no one is the preferred choice for formal, academic, and professional writing applications. Conversely, nobody is more common in formal situations. What’s more, nobody is usually more common in British English than in American English.

📝 Where do we use Nobody and No one?

  • Where to use No one: formal contexts like academic and professional writing
  • Where to use Nobody: informal contexts like casual conversations or messages

How to use no one and Nobody in a Sentence

No oneknew what Jacob would do next.
Nobodyknew what Jacob would do next.
No onein the study knew if they received the placebo.
Nobodyin the study knew if they received the placebo.

Avoiding Sexism: Nobody and No One as Plural Indefinite Pronouns

Nobody and no one are typically considered singular pronouns. However, they’ve taken on new roles as plurals in the effort to minimize gender bias. One reason may be that the English language doesn’t currently have any universally accepted singular gender-neutral pronoun. For this reason, some contemporary may pair nobody and no one with plural possessive pronouns such as their.

No oneconsidered giving up their secrets just yet.
Nobodyconsidered giving up their secrets just yet.

These examples embrace gender inclusion by opting to use the plural their instead of the singular personal pronouns his or her.

Because this usage is not widely accepted yet, we recommend rewording your sentence to avoid any issues altogether. In addition, contemporary writers may also opt to use the singular they/their. This is because many LGBTQ+ communities prefer these gender-neutral pronouns.

The word No beside an invisible man.
While no-one with a hyphen might be an acceptable variant in some situations, no one as two separate words is always correct.

Is Nobody a Negative Word?

The word nobody refers to an absence of people and is considered a negative pronoun. Negative pronouns are used to create negative clauses.

Other Examples of Negative Pronouns

  • No
  • None
  • Nothing
  • No one
  • Neither

Two Negatives Never Make a Right

You should never use another negative word in the same clause with the words nobody, nothing, or no one.

Nobodywent to the diner after the show.
Nobody didn’tgo to the diner after the show.
Nothingwent right the month of the wedding.
Nothing didn’tgo right the month of the wedding.
No oneexcept Geraldine could see lights in the sky over the desert.
No oneexcept Geraldine couldnotsee lights in the sky over the desert.

Noone or No One: A Brief Recap

When it comes to noone and no one, the rules are simple. No one should be written out as two words. Moreover, we recommend that you avoid using a hyphen and opt for the always-correct spelling no one.

Just don’t ever spell it noone. Then again, who would do that? Nobody, right? 😜

Noone or No One? Let’s see if You’re no Longer Confused! Take the Quiz Below

Noone vs. No one Question #1

Which of the following is both grammatically correct and the preferred spelling?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is C. While no-one is technically correct in some contexts, it is rarely used. The preferred spelling is “no one” with two words.

Noone Question #2

No one is the same as none.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is FALSE. “No one” refers to people only, while “none” can refer to people and inanimate objects.

No one Question #3

What type of pronoun is “no one”?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is D. “No one” is an indefinite pronoun that means no person.

Noone or No one Question #4

Select the correct sentence.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is B. Since the word “no one” is singular, use the singular verb “has.”

No one Question #5

Which of these is NOT a synonym for “no one”?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is C. “Noone” is a misspelling of the indefinite pronoun “no one.”

Noone Question #6

Complete the sentence. No one ____ worried about losing the game.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is WAS. Since “no one” is a negative pronoun, you shouldn’t add another negative to the sentence.

Noone vs No One Quiz Result


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Almost got it! Review the article and try again.

Read More: Alot or A lot or Allot? Here’s the Easiest way to get it Right

What's the Difference Between Into vs. in to?

A young man who's confused on which term to use, into or in to. Into vs. In to

Main Into vs. in to Takeaways:

  • Both into and in to are correct, but they are not interchangeable. They mean different things.
  • Into is one word and is a preposition. It helps illustrate physical movement (The river leads into the ocean), or a metaphorical transformation (With one kiss, she turned the frog into a prince).
  • Into goes directly in front of a destination space in a sentence.
  • Conversely, in and to are two distinct words. Even though they aren’t related, they sometimes end up next to each other in a sentence.

Like anytime vs. any time and to vs. too, into vs. in to is a huge source of confusion in English grammar. They look almost identical, but these two are not the same. Let’s look at the difference between them and show you when to use into or in to in a sentence.

Finn set his planintomotion.
Marjory put her old curtainsintoa box.
Ian wentin tospeak to the manager.
A young man who's confused on which term to use, into or in to. Into vs. In to
Into is a preposition, describing that an object has been moved within another. In to, on the other hand, is a two-word phrase. The adverb in and preposition to are not related.

What is the Difference Between Into and In To?

The difference betweeninto and in to comes down to the parts of speech. On one hand, use the preposition into to show that one thing physically moved inside another, or one thing figuratively transformed into another. On the other hand, in to is a two word phrase usually comprised of the adverb in followed by the preposition to. This won’t work in every situation, but use this quick trick to check yourself: if you can replace the word with “in order to,” you should probably opt for in to vs. into.

💡 Use this easy trick to make sure you choose the right one:

  1. Try replacing it with “in order to.”
  2. Does the sentence still make sense?
  3. If so, then in to (two words) is probably correct. If not, then into (one word) is probably correct.

Here is an example that illustrates why into and into are not interchangeable. Moreover, this example also shows how the above trick is a good guide but doesn’t work 100% of the time. So, be sure to think critically about the sentence’s meaning.

The student turned his paper into the teacher.
The student turned his paper in to the teacher.

The meaning of the last two examples changes dramatically depending on whether you choose into or in to.

For example, the incorrect sentence means that the student transformed his paper into his teacher!

Since we really mean to say that the student submitted his work to his teacher for grading, the correct sentence uses the phrase in to (the adverbial phrase turn in + the prepositional phrase to the teacher).

Is It Into or In To?

Into and in to are both correct, but they mean very different things. The difference between these two comes down to the parts of speech. For example, into is a preposition. It lets us know that something is moving from one direction to another (He walked into the room). Conversely, in to is a phrase made up of the adverbin and the preposition to. These two words aren’t related. Instead, they just happen to sit next to each other in the sentence (He walked in to listen to the lecture).

Unfortunately, Geoff fellintothe mud.
Mary dovein tohelp the struggling child swim.

On on hand, the preposition into indicates literal or metaphorical action:

  • An object moves into a space.
  • A person moves from adolescence into adulthood.
  • A season moves from winter into spring.

On the other hand, the word in can be a preposition, an adverb, an adjective or a noun depending on the circumstances:

  • Preposition:An object sits in a room.
  • Adverb: A person is in crisis.
  • Noun: Summer is in full bloom.

The word to can be a preposition, but it can also be an adverb — or part of an infinitive. “To” sometimes winds up next to “in” in a sentence.

(To as a preposition)They plan on walking to the store.
Two image panels. First panel shows a man jumping into the pool. Second panel shows a student turning his paper in to his teacher.
Into and in to are both correct, but they mean very different things. Into is a preposition while in to is a phrase made up of the adverb in and the preposition to.

Here, to is part of the prepositional phraseto the store.

(To as an adverb)She was unconscious for a few hours, but she just came to.

In this example, to is part of the adverbial phrase “come to,” meaning to regain consciousness or to wake up.

(To as part of an infinitive)Please try not to speak so loudly in the library.

In English, “to” always goes before an infinitive verb. This is part of the way we show that a verb is in its infinitive form and not conjugated.

When Should You Use Into or In To?

Many confuse the single word into with the two-word phrase in to.” Use the preposition intoto indicate movement, whether literal or figurative. This word shows readers that something is inside something else, or where an object is in relation to another (She poured the teaintoher mug). Next,in and to are two separate words that sometimes end up next to each other in a sentence. Therefore, you usually use in to when an adverbial phrase ends with in and a prepositional phrase or infinitive begins with to (She walked in to get some tea).

Here are examples of when to use Into vs. In To in a sentence:

I’m goingin toget a few things before we leave.
Ben wanderedin tosee if James was awake.
Workers were broughtin tohelp speed up production.
Felix swamintothe middle of the lake.
When making pasta, it’s important to put waterintothe pot first.
“I’d like to make an extension request, your honor!” exclaimed the lawyer as he burstintothe courtroom.
Pete made his pot roast leftoversintoa pie.
The burglar waited for her chance to breakintothe vault.
Someone had drivenintohis car.
“I won’t gointotown today,” sniffed Hank, dabbing at his nose.
Thinking it would probably rain, Mary wentintothe house toget her umbrella.
“Steve camein toget some chicken feed earlier,” said John.
Please put these bagsintothe attic.

How Do We Use Into in a Sentence?

In a sentence, place into right in front of the destination space: intothe car; intothe house; intothe lake. Use the word into to indicate movement from one location to another. Into is a preposition, and prepositions always indicate where things are in relation to other things.

Here are examples of when to use into in a sentence:

The goose flewintothe marshland.
“Getintothe car,” said the secret agent.
“I’m going to turn youintoa frog!” yelled the angry witch.
The rocket flew upintospace.
The plate brokeintomany pieces.
He put the kitten gentlyintoits carrier.
The gannet doveintothe water from a great height.
Ellie had a nightmare, so she crawledintoher mother’s bed.
She walked from the kitchenintothe living room.
He wondered if Rachel had posted the letterintothe right box.
The wind felt cold outside, so Maya wentintothe house to warm up.

Are you Into or In To?

Both “are you into” and “are you in to” are correct, but have different meanings. Therefore, the correct phrase depends on what you want to say. For example, if you want to ask if someone is interested in a topic or enjoys doing a certain activity, you would use the one-word preposition into (Are you into playing sports?). However, if you want to ask the reason for someone’s visit, you would probably use the two-word phrasein to (Are you in to see the doctor?).

Are you into spicy food?
Are you in to pick up your mail, or just stopping by to say hello?

Is it Look Into or In To?

The correct idiom is “look into.” This means to try to discover, or uncover, the facts about a situation, like a problem or a crime. The word “into” in the phrase “look into” is a preposition, which denotes a movement toward something or a certain location. If you’re investigating something, you need to “move toward/closer” to the evidence or object of your interest to find the truth.

If you look into it, you’ll see that the pole is not properly attached to the base.

In the above example, the speaker is claiming that the pole is not properly attached to its base. But, his/her statement also suggests that you can prove it yourself if you look into it (look closer to the pole).

She looked into hiring two new writers, but that would have been too expensive.
Our parents are looking into buying a new dog.
Image shows that Jake is too afraid to go into the haunted house. His friends are laughing while he's running away.
The preposition into indicates movement, whether literal or figurative

Recap: Into vs. In To

First, never use “in to” and “into” interchangeably. This is a mistake.

In fact, into is actually one word. And, it’s a preposition. As a result, it defines what an object is inside, or within. To use into correctly in a sentence, put it right in front of the destination space.

However, in and to are two completely different words, even though they sometimes wind up next to each other.

Confident you know when to use into vs. in to? Test your skills below!

Quick Into vs. In To Quiz

Into vs In to Question #1

You can use “into” and “in to” interchangeably in a sentence.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is FALSE. “In” and “to” are two distinct words. Meanwhile, “into” can mean a metaphorical transformation or physical movement.

In to vs Into Question #2

Which of the following is a preposition
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is A. “Into” is a preposition that tells the reader about motion or direction.

Into or In to Question #3

Complete the sentence. He looked ___ her eyes.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is A. You use “into” to indicate movement or position.

In to or Into Question #4

Complete the sentence. Barry got ___ trouble.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is A. The preposition “into” can indicate literal or metaphorical action.

Into and In to Question #5

Complete the sentence. The repair man came ____ fix the TV.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is B. “In” and “to” are separate words that sometimes end up next to each other in a sentence.

In to and Into Question #6

“In” can be a ____, depending on the circumstance.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is D. The word “in” can be a preposition, an adverb, an adjective or a noun.

Into vs In to Quiz Result


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Almost got it! Review the article and try again.

Read More: Than Vs. Then: How To Tell The Difference Once And For All

While vs. Whilst: What is the Difference?

While vs whilst. An American man standing bseid the word while and a British man stands beside the word whilst.

Main While vs. Whilst Takeaways:

  • One difference between while vs. whilst is regional.
  • While is dominant in American English but whilst is a British English term.
  • Another difference comes down to the parts of speech. There is some overlap between the two, but these words can have different grammatical functions.
  • While works as a conjunction, noun, verb, or part of an adverb phrase.
  • Whilst functions as a conjunction or part of an adverb phrase.
  • If you use them as a conjunction or an adverb, while and whilst mean the same thing.
  • You can start a sentence with whilst or while if you’re using them as a conjunction.
  • While and when do not have the same meaning.

Much like learn vs. learnt, the difference betweenwhile vs. whilst comes down to two things: regional preferences and the parts of speech. Both are correct, but they aren’t always interchangeable. We’ll give you easy definitions and uses for these two words, plus show you how to use them perfectly.

It’s been awhilstsince you’ve stopped by the office.
It’s been awhilesince you’ve stopped by the office.
Mike loves pies,whileMark is obsessed with cakes.
Julie played the pianowhilsther mother stood over her shoulder.
Whilethe birds were chirping, my daughter snuck into the yard.
Whilstthe birds were chirping, my daughter snuck into the yard.
While vs whilst. An American man standing bseid the word while and a British man stands beside the word whilst.
While works as a conjunction, noun, verb, or part of an adverb phrase. Whilst functions as a conjunction or part of an adverb phrase.

What is the Difference Between While and Whilst?

There are two main differences between while and whilst. One is regional and one is grammatical. First, British English uses whilst as a conjunction synonymous with while, although, and notwithstanding. Conversely, US English considers whilst outdated and even pretentious, so it uses while instead. Second, while can also be a noun (please stay a while) and a verb (we whiled away the months), but whilst can’t.

Therefore, if you’re using them as a conjunction or in an adverb phrase, while and whilst are interchangeable. But, if you need a noun or a verb, you can only use while.

💡 When to Use While vs. Whilst:

  • When your sentence needs a conjunction or as part of an adverb phrase, you can use while and whilst interchangeably.
  • When your sentence needs a verb or noun, you should only use while.
I look at you, and see the love there that’s sleeping whilemy guitar gently weeps.

How Do You Use While in a Sentence?

Use while as a conjunction in a sentence to show that two events occur at the same time (I walked while she ran). You can also use while in the same way that you would use although for a contrast or contradiction (While I understand your point, I still disagree with you). Next, use while as a noun to describe an unspecified amount of time (Sit with me for a while). Finally, use while as a verb with the word “away” to describe an enjoyable way of passing time (We whiled away the daysswimming).

Here are examples of how to use while in a sentence:

(adverb) “Is the manager coming? I’ve been waiting awhile,” complained the customer.

In the above example, while is acting as an adverb because it is modifies the verbwaiting. In other words, the adverb gives you more information about the verb.

(noun for time) It’s been a long while since we were able to hug one another.

Here, we know while is functioning as a noun because we can replace it with the word “time,” and the sentence still makes perfect sense:

It’s been a long time since we were able to hug one another.
(conjunction describing a contrast) Christine arrives early each morning,whileVeronica sneaks in 10 minutes late.

In this example, while connects two contrasting statements to help make the comparison clear.

(conjunction describing simultaneous events) “Why don’t you listen to musicwhileyou clean?” Mom asked.

Finally, while can also show balance. This example of while in a sentence shows that two things are happening at the same time.

When Should You Use While vs. Whilst?

Use while instead of whilst when the word functions as a noun or verb. Although while and whilst can both be conjunctions or part of an adverb phrase, only while can be a noun and a verb. As a noun, while describes a period of time (Rest for a while). As a verb, while means to cause something to pass in an enjoyable way. What’s more, when while is a verb, it’s usually followed by the word “away” (We whiled away the rainy days with games inside).

“Take a seat and relax for awhile,” suggested Carson.
I just want towhile away the afternoon instead of working.

💡 How to Test if While is a Noun:

  1. Replace the word with “time.”
  2. Does the sentence still make sense?
  3. If yes, then while is acting as a noun. If no, then while may be acting as a conjunction, verb, or part of an adverb phrase instead.
While or whilst. A table showing the functions of while as a conjunction, noun, verb, or part of an adverb phrase, and whilst as a conjunction or part of an adverb phrase.
While works as a conjunction, noun, verb, or part of an adverb phrase. Whilst functions as a conjunction or part of an adverb phrase.

How Do You Use Whilst?

Use whilst as a conjunction to join two independent clauses, especially when describing simultaneous and continuous events (She played the piano whilst I sang). Since whilst is a subordinating conjunction, you can use it to begin a subordinate clause, especially when contrasting or contradicting (Whilst he can go, I prefer for him to stay). As an adverb, whilst describes a verb. Remember, whilst is best suited for British English, as American English speakers tend to find this word outdated and highfalutin.

Here are examples of how to use whilst:

Laura scrubbed the dishes,whilsther roommate mopped the floor.
Whilst Jack enjoys the opera, he can’t stand musicals.
📝 Like while, can use whilst as an adverb or conjunction in a sentence. Unlike while, you can’t use whilst as a noun or a verb.

Can You Start a Sentence With Whilst?

Like while, you can start a sentence with whilst as long as the word is functioning as a conjunction or as an adverb. In fact, both while and whilst are subordinating conjunctions. As a result, you can use these words to begin a subordinate clause.

Whilst no discoveries have been recorded in the past decades, scientists today remain confident that they’ll find proof of extraterrestrial life soon.
Whilst John is a good worker, he’s not a good manager.

As mentioned, both while and whilst can function as conjunctions. When they do, their meanings are identical. The only difference is the regional connotation. For example, UK English speakers tend to prefer whilst. On the other hand, US English speakers favor while and may find whilst archaic or pretentious. 

When Should I Use Whilst?

You should use whilst when British English is the standard, and when your sentence requires and adverb or a conjunction. For example, both while and whilst can function as a conjunction or as part of an adverb phrase, but British English speakers prefer whilst. Because American English speakers may find it archaic or pretentious, they tend to use while. Additionally, use whilst to describe the relationship between two events or activities that occur at the same time. Also, you can use whilst to show contrast.

Finally, you can start a subordinate clause with whilst since it is a subordinating conjunction.

Kaiser watched Netflixwhilstbrowsing Facebook.
Misty likes vanilla ice cream,whilstCarlos prefers chocolate treats.

We can go deeper into this question, but things become less clear. For example, objective guidelines based on concrete grammar rules become subjective impressions based on what “sounds” best.

Some instruct to use while when discussing two things happening at the same time, but whilst to describe previous simultaneous events:

I work out while I wait for my laundry to dry.
He ran three miles whilst on his lunch break.

Furthermore, others say to use while if the next word begins with a consonant, but use whilst if it begins with a vowel.

While Jacob is tall for his age, he’s also very shy.
Sarah laughed whilst Emma made funny faces.

Similarly, there are British English speakers who caution that while is for parallel events or structures, but whilst is for creating contrast.

She crafted her argument while I prepared my evidence.
Whilst I love ice cream, I can’t stand milk.

Is Whilst Old Fashioned?

In American English, whilst is considered old fashioned and even pretentious. This is because whilst is more common in British English. It’s important to note that when used as conjunctions and as adverbs, while and whilst mean exactly the same thing. Here, the only difference is in the connotation— not the meaning. Ironically, both whilst and while are very old words, but while is actually older.

📝 Keep in mind that while and whilst are only interchangeable sometimes. You can swap these terms if your sentence requires an adverb or conjunction. Choose whilst if you need a UK-friendly version of while.
An old woman knitting in front of her television. She's talking to her granddaughter saying "I love watching the telly whilst getting my knitting done."
British English uses whilst as a conjunction synonymous with while, although, and notwithstanding.

What Does Whilst Mean in a Sentence?

Whilst references something that happens at the same time as another event or contrasts something.

Lexi wasn’t sure what to do with herselfwhilstshe waited for the doctor’s arrival.
Adam’s favorite color is orange,whilstVeruca thinks purple is the best color.

Do While and When Mean the Same Thing?

While and when have different meanings, though both words reference time. Use while when discussing something that happens at the same time as another activity. Choose when if you’re describing a specific point in time.

Grandma stopped bywhilethe kids were doing homework.
Whilethe kids requested snacks, Grandma made some immediately.
WhenGrandma knocked, the kids became distracted.
WhileGrandma knocked, the kids became distracted.

While vs. Whilst Recap

Since both while and whilst can be conjunctions and adverbs, there is some overlap in the parts of speech that these words can play.

Still, there are clear grammatical and regional differences between these two words.

On one hand, while can also be a noun and a verb, but whilst can’t.

On the other hand, American English speakers prefer while, as whilst is a British English term with a sometimes pretentious connotation. However, it’s important to note that many people in the UK also use while.

The bottom line? Don’t while away your time debating whether to use while vs. whilst. Both terms are okay if you need a conjunction or a word to use as part of an adverb phrase. However, stick with while when your sentence calls for a noun or verb.

Ready to Ace This While vs. Whilst Quiz?

While vs Whilst Question #1

While and Whilst always have the same meaning.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is FALSE. While and whilst mean the same thing when used as conjunctions or part of an adverb phrase.

Whilst vs While Question #2

____ is the correct option when a sentence requires a verb or noun.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is B. While works as a verb, conjunction, noun, or as part of an adverb phrase.

While or Whilst Question #3

____ is a British English term.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is A. Although whilst is a British English term, many people in the UK also use while.

Whilst or While Question #4

Complete the sentence. Clark lived in Smallville for a _____.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is B. While functions as a noun in the sentence.

While vs Whilst Question #5

Complete the sentence. Jack danced, _____ Rose watched.
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is C. You can use while and whilst interchangeably as a conjunction or adverb.

Whist vs While Question #6

Complete the sentence
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is B. Since the sentence requires a verb, while is the correct option.

While vs Whilst Quiz Result


Not bad!

Not bad!

Almost got it! Review the article and try again.

Almost got it! Review the article and try again.

Read More: Among vs. Amongst: The Easiest way to Tell the Difference

Winning SEO: Media Hour With INK Thought Leaders

INK creator and CTO Alexander De Ridder wears an electric blue hoodie as he sits at his desk smiling.

INK thought leaders Michael Umansky and Alexander de Ridder recently had the pleasure of joining the Earned Media Hour Podcast. In their respective interviews, Michael and Alexander break down key tips for successful SEO in 2021 and beyond. With over 1M downloads, this podcast is hosted by Los Angeles-based digital marketing consultant and award-winning podcaster Eric Schwartzman.

After testing INK for six months, Eric found INK particularly valuable for writers without an SEO background. Free forever and featuring the most sophisticated AI in the industry, INK’s unique ability to make content four times more likely to rank in the top 10 Google results was a story Eric couldn’t wait to tell.

Both Michael and Alexander point out that despite the huge boom in content creation, an overwhelming 91% of all content does not get any search traffic

This is the reason they created the INK content performance application: to give marketers and writers exactly what they need to craft content that audiences easily find, engage with, and convert because of. INK’s mission is to help content creators produce better content, faster and at a fraction of the cost.

INK CEO Michael Umansky on Key Optimization Trends

When Eric asks Michael if content optimization is meant for Google or for readers, Michael reveals an industry-changeling insight that even the most established SEOs haven’t caught on to yet: 

“Optimizing for Google IS optimizing for readers, by producing more readable, engaging copy, which ultimately results in more traffic.”

—Michael Umansky, INK CEO

In his podcast interview with Eric, Michael demos the INK content optimization software and shares insights on:

  • The emerging discipline of content performance optimization, or how to best optimize your content so that it performs. “Content performs when your target audience easily finds your content, engages with it, and converts because of it,” Michael explains.
  • How to INK helps content creators optimize content for myriad ranking factors including SEO and readability scores, faster than ever.
  • Optimizing content for readers by optimizing for Google.
  • New time-saving topic ideas feature in INK PRO, the next evolution of INK coming in 2021.
  • INK’s overwhelmingly positive user response to INK so far. In fact, INK’s user base grew by 1,000% to over 25,000 users in 2020 alone.
  • Michael’s B2B growth marketing strategy for winning on the web with relevant content.

Alexander de Ridder on How You Can Achieve Unbelievable Organic Growth in 2021

“It all depends on how big you want to go,” begins INK creator and CTO Alexander De Ridder. “Some people have been burned by SEO in the past. They don’t believe in SEO…until it works. All of sudden, their SEO traffic doubles or triples and they say ‘oh my gosh, I’m a convert!” 

In Alexander’s full interview, he brings INK’s proven ranking process to life by walking Eric through the outstanding organic growth the INK blog achieved in just one month using our own SEO content writing software.  

Alexander had only finished the intro to his Seven Step Process for SEO Success when Eric confessed he was “riveted.”

💪 7 Steps for SEO Success:

  • Focus
  • Organize
  • Research
  • Qualify
  • Project Plan
  • Execute (F.A.I.)
  • Measure

“Many people jump straight into Execution and skip the first five steps,” Alexander warns.

He explains that skipping steps creates these risks sure to land you among the 91% of content that never connects with its target audience:

  • You’ll write about things that aren’t relevant to you and that don’t make you seem like a topical authority.
  • Your site structure will be disorganized and frustrating to users, causing them to leave. This only hurts your engagement and therefore, rankings.
  • You’ll focus on the wrong keywords, or worse: write articles without keywords in mind.
  • You’ll target keywords that are too difficult for you to rank for.
  • You’ll start writing without the technology to help you please both the Google search algorithm and people searching for the best answers.

In his video demo, Alexander breaks each step down. 

1. Focus

“Too many times, people fail before they even start because they want a little bit of everything.”

—Alexander De Ridder, INK Creator & CTO

What do you want to be known for? What is a word or phrase that someone might search to find you?

Drilling down on the answers to these questions before you start writing is fundamental for SEO success.

Everybody is competing for attention, and Google only wants the best. That means that if you’re a generalist, you’re not going to succeed at SEO.

Instead, you have to be a specialist. The more precise you can be, the more likely you are to succeed. This approach will help you, your content, and your site be seen as an authoritative source on the subject you are covering.

In the same way, Google rewards websites that stick to what they are good at. You won’t be topically authoritative if your content isn’t related to what you do.

In this way, some keywords with high search volumes may seem tempting, but if it isn’t in your wheelhouse, you don’t have a high chance of ranking for it.

2. Organize

People like a logical structure. If your website and content are hard to navigate, or if the answer someone is looking for is difficult to find, chances are that the user will feel frustrated. 

What’s more, this is also important for crawl depth. How can Google rank a page that it has trouble finding?

Therefore, mapping out your content and navigation structure before you start crafting will help you create the best user experience for people and search engines.

People spend more time on sites that are easy to navigate (think Wikipedia) and find the information they want faster. For this reason, time on page is an important UX signal, and in turn, ranking factor, for Google.

3. Research

Here are Alexander’s tips for flawless keyword research:

  • Opt for keywords that are relevant to your speciality, have a high search volume, and low difficulty.
  • If you’re just starting out, go after keywords with a difficulty below 30.
  • CPC is not just for SEM. Use it as an indication of how valuable a keyword is to your competitors. 
  • Be disciplined and stick to what you know.
  • LSI keywords are not how Google works anymore. In fact, Google has evolved far beyond this and we recognize that in our application. 

In other words, it’s not about the exact word or phrase you use. Instead, it’s about the underlying concept and how completely you’ve covered it in your content.

4. Qualify

This step is about ensuring you qualify to rank for the opportunities you’ve identified. Size up your competition. Pick battles you know that you can win before you step on the battlefield.

5. Project Plan

Set clear goals for your content. What are you trying to achieve? What does success look like? 

This step is crucial to understand the ROI your content yields. 

Some examples of goals are:

  • Increase organic traffic by 50% by the end of the year
  • Get to 200,000 visitors per month by the end of this quarter
  • Improve DR by 6 points

6. Execute (F.A.I.)

F.A.I. stands for Foundation, Authority, and Intent. These are the three pillars of a winning SEO strategy.

Therefore, your SEO strategy can’t stand without all three working together in tandem.

Three Ways to Win at SEO

1. Foundation 

Presentation is key here. In other words, this pillar is all about creating the best user experience, or UX. For example, never make people wait 20 seconds for a page to load; it won’t matter how good your content is if the user gets frustrated and leaves the page because it took too long to load. 

Think of your expectations when you go to a restaurant. Even if the food is the best in the world, nobody is going to wait two hours for their order to arrive. 

For this reason, the INK application includes image optimization and compression features to make sure your media loads quickly and contributes to a positive UX.

2. Authority

This pillar has to do with your domain authority, or domain rating, and therefore, also relates to backlinking. While building backlinks to your content is important, Alexander advises not to force it. 

“Great content is going to get links,” he explains. If it’s the best resource on the topic, “people are going to naturally link back to it” as a reputable, or authoritative, source. 

“Google has gotten really good at understanding when things happen organically,” Alexander adds. For this reason, it’s best to invest in creating authoritative content that encourages organic links back to it rather than investing in aggressive link building campaigns that might deliver links that aren’t relevant to your speciality. 

Google just doesn’t reward this kind of behavior. Just like with intent research, quality is more important than quantity. 

3. Intent

Last but certainly not least is understanding what your audience is looking for when they type something into Google. This is where INK really makes the difference, and really gives content creators an unbeatable edge.

What information is your audience looking for? 

Beyond what, how does your audience want to receive this information? What does your audience expect?

The best content fully delivers on this expectation, or fully satisfies the user intent. In order to fully satisfy the user intent, you must first fully understand it. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who is searching for your product or service. What words, phrases, or questions might they Google to find you? 

This is the first step in not only finding relevant keywords for your content, but also ensuring your content aligns with your audience’s expectations. When you get this right, you’re sure to create winning content that ranks.

7. Measure

We produce content for a reason. That reason might be to increase your brand awareness, to drive quality leads, or to get an interested shopper to convert to a customer.

If you aren’t measuring how your content is performing against your goals, how do you understand your content marketing ROI?

Be sure to establish a baseline and continue to measure any changes in your rankings, traffic, etc. against the goals you set. 

Refresh and reoptimize content regularly to ensure it is always the most relevant topic on the subject. 

In fact, Alexander and Eric demo how the INK import and export WordPress plugin make it super quick and easy to take an live article, pull it into the INK editor, and instantly see how to improve it for further ranking success. 

Michael and Alexander are proud to join an acclaimed group of past guests including legendary Wall Street Journal consumer technology columnist Walt Mossberg, Kara Swisher of Recode Decode, and Leo Laporte.