What is a URL Slug and How can you Optimize it?

What is a URL Slug and How can you Optimize it

What is a URL Slug?

The URL slug is the part of your web page’s address that comes right after the domain name. It tells search engines where to find your web page. Think of a URL as an address. Imagine the domain is the apartment building and each page is a different apartment. The URL slug would be the apartment number. Just like home addresses, unique slugs help avoid confusion when someone is looking for your place. Slugs give a web page a unique name. This convention helps prevent one page from conflicting with other pages in the same site category.

What’s more, URLs are one of the first thing Google examines to see if a page is relevant to what someone is searching. Since Google has to examine millions of pages in fractions of a second, using optimized slugs can help Google interpret and rank your page faster. For this reason, we recommend using your target keyword in the slug.

Every page on a website must have a unique slug. Let’s take a deeper look at slugs using our INK blog as an example.

blog.inkforall.com site-wide domain
blog.inkforall.com site-wide domain

The site-wide domain name of our site is blog.inkforall.com. However, if you visit each page on our website, you’ll see that each one has its own unique URL slug:

URL slug sample
sample URL
sample URL

In a nutshell, slugs help make it easier for search engines and people to understand what your page is about, even without seeing the page. They also help differentiate your pages from one another, which is crucial for your SEO.

In this article, we will teach you how to create and optimize your URL slugs.

Why is it Called a URL Slug?

Slug is a term born in the publishing and media industry. It refers to articles and news that are yet to be published. Usually, journalists use keywords as their slugs to quickly determine the content of their articles. WordPress is the first content management system to use the slug language rule as a way to describe individual pages in a WordPress site.

Most CMS solutions don’t use readable or coherent words in their URLs. For instance, by default, WordPress only generates identification numbers for each post like in the image below:

WordPres Short:ID
WordPress Short: ID

As you can see, these numbers don’t tell you much about the page. This makes it harder for both human readers and search engine crawlers to get valuable information about the page.

As a solution, WordPress now automatically generates post slugs for each blog post as soon as the appropriate settings have been made.

In addition to helping potential visitors and search engines identify your page more easily, using optimized URL slugs offers several benefits.

Benefits of Using URL Slugs

1. Avoid Ranking Cannibalization

Unique URL slugs help search engines tell the difference between the different pages on your site. A slug gives a web page a unique name, almost like a title or a name tag.

Just like home addresses, unique slugs help avoid confusion when someone is looking for your place.

Therefore, slugs can help prevent pages in the same site category from competing with each other for ranking positions.

This will help ensure your own pages don’t compete against each other for the same ranking position. Or, in other words, you don’t cannibalize your own traffic.

2. Improve SEO

Another reason to use slugs for your website is to help increase your search engine rankings and traffic. You can do this by using target keywords as your page slug.

If you look at your unpublished page details, you will notice that you have tags attached to the URL, including those not used frequently. You can eliminate these unnecessary tags by replacing them with relevant terms.

keywords targeting
Tashatuvango / Shutterstock.com

Meaning, a slug could help people understand what your page is all about and if it is relevant to their query. And that’s by just looking at your page address.

Clean, optimized slugs help communicate a lot of information in a small amount of space. They are almost like a summary of your page before a person even clicks on it.

If the slug looks relevant, a person is more likely to click on the link and visit the page. This can help improve your engagement and traffic.

For instance, a person looking for pet food is more likely to click on a link that has “pet shop” on its URL. It’s an effective way to show that your page matches people’s search intent.

But beware: Just like keyword stuffing isn’t effective anymore, simply using a competitive keyword in your slug isn’t enough to improve your rankings.

The reason that keyword stuffing doesn’t work anymore is because Google’s algorithm is able to understand the ideas behind the words on the page.

If what’s in your slug doesn’t match what’s on your page, then this optimization best practice won’t be very effective. In the same way a title represents what the content is about, the slug should also represent the page’s main idea.

Therefore, be sure to only use terms related to your content when defining your slug.

Otherwise, your page could be reported as spam and be penalized by search engines. That’s the opposite of what you want. That means no rankings and no visibility to audiences.

3. Increase Shareability

What’s more, keeping slugs short makes it easier for people to copy, share, and remember web page addresses.

They also help your page become more accessible from other pages or Internet browsers.

Simply put, URL slugs ensure that you and other people always have a way to get to your website quickly and easily.

How to Optimize URL Slugs

These are the top two best practices for optimizing a URL slug:

  1. Keep it short
  2. Use your target keywords

Here’s why:

1. Keep it Short

URL slug should be short
hafakot / Shutterstock.com

There is no limit on the number of words that you can use in your slug. However, if you want to maximize its effectiveness, you have to keep it short.

Make it brief and use words that will provide the information people need. As much as possible, keep its length between three and five words.

Google is amazing because it is able to analyze and rank so many pages in so little time. Keeping slugs short helps make Google’s job a little easier.

In an interview with SEO consultant Stephan Spencer, former head of Google’s webspam team, Matt Cuttsexplained:

“If you have got a three, four, or five words in your URL, that can be perfectly normal. As it gets a little longer, then it starts to look a little worse. Now, our algorithms typically will just weight those words less and just not give you as much credit.”

2. Use Target Keywords

Another way to optimize your slug is by using target keywords. This helps spoon feed Google the information it needs to help determine if your page is relevant to what someone searches.

Since URLs are often one of the first thing Google checks out in ranking a page, this approach helps take some of the guesswork out of prioritizing your page.

Also, you might have plenty of keywords to choose from, but it’s crucial that you only use the “right” ones. This means opting for keywords that best represent what your content is about.

Remember: Relevancy is one of the most important ranking factors.

Make sure that you do thorough keyword research using a reliable tool like KWFinder.

The “right” keyword will have the following characteristics:

  • highly-relevant to what the content is about
  • healthy monthly search volume
  • appropriate ranking difficult for your domain authority

Also, take note that target keywords don’t always have to be one or two words long. The shorter the better, but you can also use long-tail keywords like Related Questions.

These can help make sure your content is as relevant as possible to what real people are searching in Google. In general, shoot to keep slugs under five words, but relevancy to your topic is priority.

URL Slug vs. Permalink

A permalink refers to a group of terms used as a web address for a section of a site. In WordPress, it refers to the entire URL of your webpage.

The image below is an example of a permalink:

url slug vs permalink
Example of a permalink

As you can see, it contains the domain name of the website, followed by the slug.

url slug vs permalink
Domain address followed by the URL slug

By default, WordPress permalinks come with short IDs as post slugs.

But, you can customize the structure of your URL by editing the short ID or slug. Remember: you can shorten it and replace it with keywords that are relevant to your target audience.

After publishing your post, your permalink becomes permanent. Meaning, you can no longer change it, especially if months have already passed.

Changing your permalink structure right after publishing your content could lead to a broken link (404 error), which is not good for your SEO.


Keep these main points in mind before you create or make any changes to your URL.

  • A well-optimized slug helps people and search engines quickly understand what your page is about
  • Keep your slug short to increase shareability and make Google’s job easier
  • Only use keywords relevant to your content to make your page more likely to rank for related searches
  • Clean slugs can help provide the information your target audience needs with just a quick glimpse of your permalink.
  • Your URL slug is vital to your SEO strategy. Therefore, you need to make sure that each page on your website has a unique one.
  • Using the same slug on different web pages might create duplicate content. Note that duplicate pages are often ignored by Google and other search engines

Read More: 5 SEO Myths You Need To Know About

The Most Difficult Words in the English Language

A Cartoon woman speaking letters

What are Difficult Words?

Difficult words in English refer to terms that people find hard to understand, spell, or pronounce. How hard a word is usually depends on a person’s age, location, vocabulary, and knowledge of the English language.

Some of the hardest words in English are:

  • Disparate
  • Cajole
  • Gregarious
  • Ephemeral
  • Ignominious
  • Hegemony
  • Quinoa
  • Conscience
  • Liaise
  • Cupboard

Content creators should use difficult words carefully because they have the potential to change the meaning of the sentence.

They can also affect your readability. And, therefore, your ability to connect with your target audience. In this way, using too many difficult words or complicated sentences can also affect your ability to rank well in search engine results.

Remember: your goal is to write content that your audience can easily find and engage with. Understanding what your audience talks about and how they talk about it can help you write the best content for your target.

Most writers have a tough time using these words because they are either difficult to hear or say. Or, they might have deep meanings.

Hardest Words to Pronounce in the English Vocabulary

Once, a friend of mine spent almost an hour in the grocery store looking for a sauce. My friend’s wife asked him to buy Wuss-ter-sheer (Worcestershire) sauce.

Unfortunately, my poor friend could only find Wor-cess-ter-shayr sauce.

Wuss ter sheer sauce
Pronounced as Wuss-ter-sheer | Anna.zabella / Shutterstock.com

So, as you can see, some words are harder than others because they’re difficult to say.

In my example, the wife pronounced Worcestershire the right way. However, the husband read and say it differently, so it caused confusion.

Below are some examples of these commonly mispronounced words and the right way to say them.


  • Correct: aa-neh-mowniy
  • Wrong: aa-neh-mown


  • Correct: ih-pit-uh-mee
  • Wrong: epi-tohm


  • Correct: boh-suhn
  • Wrong: boht-sweyn


  • Correct: dih-bawch
  • Wrong: de-botch


  • Correct: ker-nuhl
  • Wrong: ko-lo-nel


  • Correct: fow
  • Wrong: fohx


  • Correct: huh-jeh-muh-nee
  • Wrong: hi-jeh-muh-nee


  • Correct: zhahn-ruh
  • Wrong: jen-re


  • Correct: nel
  • Wrong: kn-ehl


  • Correct: mahv
  • Wrong: mohv


  • Correct: ig-nuh-min-ee-uhs
  • Wrong: ig-nuh-min-uhs


  • Correct: aa-nuh-maa-tuh-pee-uh
  • Wrong: on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh


  • Correct: sa-mən
  • Wrong: sal-mən


  • Correct: kuh-brd
  • Wrong: kap-bord


  • Correct: paas-chuh-muhs
  • Wrong: pos-chuh-muhs


  • Correct: keen-wah
  • Wrong: key-no-ah
Difficult words - Quinoa
Quinoa pronunciation | manrepeller.com


  • Correct: seh-gwei
  • Wrong: se-ge


  • Correct: neesh
  • Wrong: nitch


  • Correct: lee-ei-zaan
  • Wrong: lie-a-zon

All native English speakers might not use the same difficult words. Note that most words can be used differently in depending on the context, region, and dialect.

In addition, some of these words can have a variety of meanings within one dialect.

For instance, where Americans use the word “incomprehensible,”Australians might use “confusing.”Swedes might use “ugly,” while the British could use “rude.”

People in some English-speaking areas might have difficulty with one or two of these words, while others have none.

What Makes a Word Difficult?

What makes difficult words difficult is the fact that they are hard to write, say, or understand.

You’ve probably found yourself repeating a particular word several times in your writing before. Or, you may have rearranged the way you use a specific word to make sure you are using or saying it correctly.

Learning to write using difficult words is no easy feat. Even with a dictionary around, there are still so many words that are difficult to say and spell.

When using these words, always pay attention to what you’re saying and how you’re saying it.

Read More: What Are Some Tone Words?

Most Difficult Words in the English Vocabulary

Regardless of how well-versed you are in the English language, some words will still make you scramble for a dictionary. Here are some of them and their corresponding definitions.


  • Things that are essentially different there’s no basis for comparison.


  • Sociable; one who likes company.


  • To persuade someone with gentle coaxing or flattery.


  • The ability to make sound and quick decisions.


  • Lasting for a very short time.
The term ephemeral is used to describe objects found in nature
The term ephemeral is used to describe objects found in nature that only exist for a short time. | Yasir khan3322 / Shutterstock.com


  • Tinged with red; elaborate or intricate.


  • To charm someone, often in a deceptive manner.


  • Picturesque in natural simplicity.


  • Placing two or more objects side by side to compare and contrast.


  • Attracting attention by means of pretentious display, gaudiness, or obviousness.


  • A brief pause or interruption in time or continuity.


  • Using minimal words.


  • Extremely generous or giving.


  • Wicked or impious.


  • Occurring daily; everyday.


  • An inclination toward something; a tendency to do something regularly.


  • A show of being morally superior to others.


  • To think deeply about something.


  • A debased, distorted, or grossly inferior imitation; a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.


  • Present, appearing, or found everywhere; constantly encountered.

Most Commonly Misspelled Words in the English Vocabulary

Commonly misspelled words are also considered difficult words
Lorelyn Medina / Shutterstock.com

We often misspell words because we tend to spell them based on how they sound when we pronounce them. Usually, words pronounced with silent letters or those that have repeating letters are the most difficult to spell.

How often do you misspell “Mississippi,”“accommodate,” or “committee?”

Correct spelling is crucial, particularly if you are a writer. One way to fix your spelling issues is by memorizing words you find hard to spell and using them as often as you can.

Or, you can use writing editors with spell checkers like INK or Grammarly. With that said, below are some of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language.

  • Apparent
  • Drunkenness
  • Dumbbell
  • Amateur
  • Conscience
  • Exaggerate
  • Foreseeable
  • Gauge
  • Harassment
  • Irresistible
  • Judgment
  • Knowledge
  • Liaise
  • Millennium
  • Noticeable
  • Occurrence
  • Possession
  • Questionnaire
  • Referred
  • Vacuum

Things to Remember Before Using Difficult Words

There are some words that are more appropriate in daily conversation. There are others that are more appropriate for writing.

There’s no fixed rule. However, this is a useful guideline to demonstrate your command of the English language.

We’ve all encountered difficult words, and we want to avoid them as much as possible.

In order to make your readers interested in what you’re trying to convey, you need to provide them with helpful and important information. To accomplish this, you have to choose your words carefully.

Words that are considered difficult words are very subjective. But, if you can use them in a way that is agreeable to you, then use those words in your writing.

Once you are certain that you’ve used your words appropriately, you can move on to writing for a specific target audience. Your goals and objectives will naturally influence your choice of words.

Also, you should consider cultural differences when choosing your words.

English is one of the most commonly used languages in the world. However, it doesn’t mean that it’s used in the same way as other languages.

So, if you’re planning to use difficult words in your writing, try to use them sparingly. This will help you improve your writing skills.

Sources:Lexico Powered by Oxford Americal College Dictionary / Merriam-Webster Dictionary / HowToPronounce Pronunciation Dictionary

Read More: How To Use Vocabulary To Boost Your SEO

11 Effective Writing Techniques for Content Writers

Yellow muscle emoji bicep flexing with a smiley face as the muscle bulge against a red background

What are Effective Writing Techniques?

Effective writing techniques are different methods writers use to ensure the seamless flow of ideas within their content. These methods help writers achieve their goals and increase productivity in the most efficient way possible. In this article, we’ll dive into these 10 techniques:

  1. Understand what Readers Want
  2. Make an Outline
  3. Use Related Questions
  4. Connect Features to Benefits
  5. Be Specific
  6. Research Facts and Figures
  7. Use Analogies
  8. Be Practical
  9. Write in Your Readers’ Language
  10. Appeal to the Senses
  11. Use Effective Tools

Writers have varying approaches and styles when it comes to writing. However, choosing the right techniques will rely on one thing – your content objective.

Before you start writing, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who are you writing for? What kinds of words, phrases, or questions would they search in Google to find your article?
  • What type of content are you working on? Is it ad copy? A marketing email? Blog post?
  • What’s your purpose? Are you writing to inform people about a brand or product, share your experience? Or, to rank well in search engine results and attract more customers?

Your answers to these questions will help you determine or develop the best writing techniques to accomplish your objective.

Why Are Writing Techniques Important?

Words have a powerful impact on human behavior. Writing techniques are crucial to ensuring that your message is understood by your reader. One of the oldest forms of communication is writing. Now, we live in a world where we often communicate using technology. This means digital content and web copy writing are more important than ever. Content marketers, bloggers, and content writers use may use words to attract audiences or influence buying decisions.

11 Effective Writing Techniques

It’s not easy to develop your writing techniques if you’re just starting your career in writing or content creation. But don’t worry! Below are 11 of the most effective writing methods that you can use to jump-start your journey.

1. Understand What Your Readers Want

Effective writing techniques - understand what your readers want
mentalmind / Shutterstock.com

Before writing your content, you must first understand what your readers want. This is also known as the “intent”. What intention do your readers have when they are searching for the content you are about to write?

But, what’s the best way to understand what your audience wants?

One effective technique is to hangout where your target readers are most likely to convene.

You could find them in social media groups, forums, and other online communities. Understand what they’re saying, particularly what they’re looking for.

If you’re writing to promote a product, read the customers’ feedback and reviews on your competitor’s product. A great tip is to use the exact words these customers are using to share their experiences in your content.

Remember, readers tend to favor content that reflects what they truly feel.

2. Make an Outline

One you understand your audience’s intent, it’s time to make an outline. A clear and logical flow of ideas is crucial to effective writing. Use email template creators to help you get started.

To make sure you stay on topic, stay concise, and cover all of your bases completely, make an outline before you start writing.

Make an Outline
INK and some word processors have outlining functions that help you create and outline and organize your headers.

Think of your outline as your road map. It will guide you and force you to be specific.

Our next effective writing technique is one of the easiest ways to create an outline and an article in no time.

3. Take Advantage of Related Questions

Another way to write effectively is to take advantage of “related questions.”Related questions are queries made by people that are related to the topic you’re working on.

For instance, when you type “What is a cream puff?” on Google Search, you’ll get an answer in the form of a definition.

Google Search answer to query "What is cream puff?"
Google Search answer to the query “What is cream puff?”

But when you scroll down, you’ll see four or five more questions that people also ask about cream puff.

effective writing techniques - use related questions in your content
Related Questions for the search “What is cream puff?”

Answering Related Questions helps ensure your content is relevant to your audience.

To source Related Questions for your article, type your key phrase or topic into Google.

Then, take note of the Related Questions you see and make a list. Think of these a long-tail keywords.

They can help you understand exactly what your audience wants to know about your topic. And, the exact language your audience uses to find it.

Pro-Tip: Using Related Questions is also one of the fastest ways to write an article that is highly relevant to your audience. It’s also a great writing technique to conquer writer’s block.

Research 5-7 Related Questions, make them H2 headers, and answer them in 100 words. You’ll have an optimized article in no time.

Finally, this is a great technique to position your article to capture those highly visible Snippets in Google.

4. Connect Features With Benefits

Balancing features with benefits is a crucial technique for copywriters.

Features refer to the specifications of a product or service you’re writing about. Meanwhile, benefits pertain to the value or result customers can get out of a product or service.

You must strike a balance between features and benefits when writing a copy. Remember, most people go online to look for solutions to their problems.

Remember: people don’t buy mattresses. They buy a good night’s sleep.

Here are some quick tips to help you use both features and benefits in your content efficiently.

  • Understand your market. Meaning, know what your readers or target customers need or what their problems are.
  • Determine the reason behind your target audiences‘ needs. Knowing this reason can help you write content that speaks to your target market.
  • Know the key features of your product and translate them into benefits that your market needs.
  • Tap into your target readers’ emotions by considering what they would feel when they purchase your product.

5. Be Specific

Failing to provide specific information could cause confusion to your followers.
arfa adam / Shutterstock.com

Getting straight to the point is an excellent strategy if you want your readers to understand your idea clearly. This is where specific writing comes into play.

Without specificity, you’re leaving your writing intent open to the interpretation of your readers. By doing so, you are putting yourself at risk of being misunderstood.

For instance, imagine you’re writing a social media announcement telling your readers that your blog site will be down for maintenance. Instead of stating the specific schedule (is Friday, 10 PM CST), you only publish “Fridaynight”.

Failing to provide a specific time could cause confusion for your followers. “Friday night” is general, and varies by timezone and location.

If you want your content to be effective in entertaining, informing, or influencing your readers, BE SPECIFIC.

6. Verify Facts and Figures

If you want your content to have an impact on your readers, make sure that it’s authoritative. How to do it?

Stick to confirmed facts and figures.

Always support your ideas with verified data. Doing so can make your content powerful.

Crucial information to shore up any claims includes:

  • statistics
  • quotes from authority or influential people
  • case studies

The Internet is teeming with reliable sources that you can use. If you’re working on a scientific article, you can turn to journals.

Stick to facts and figures
Andrii Yalanskyi / Shutterstock.com

If you’re looking for quotations, look for people who are considered an authority in their respective fields.

You may send them an email using email outreach tools and ask for their thoughts on your subject matter. Or, you can simply search through their previous interviews or published works and quote them.

However, make sure that you are attributing the right people when quoting them. Never claim someone’s idea as yours if you don’t want to get into trouble.

7. Use Analogies

Analogies help easily explain complex concepts to your readers.

One of the most famous analogies of all time is from this 1994 film:

The “Compare and Conquer” technique is similar to an analogy. This writing technique is especially useful when drafting technical content like scientific papers.

Even though you researched this topic and might be an expert, your audience might not be familiar with it yet.

Maybe that be why they are searching for this information. So, break it down in a digestible way by explaining it in the context of a more common idea.

Just compare a technical concept with something that your target audience knows. One common key phrase that you can use is “It’s like A but for B.”

For instance:

  • Martian solar day (sol) – it’s like an Earth day but is 39 minutes longer.
  • Inbound links – they’re like people’s votes that search engines use to measure the popularity and quality of a website.

The technique may oversimplify some definitions, but the goal is to make sure that your readers understand them.

Once you’re able to simplify these concepts, you can then start building more specific ideas around them.

8. Be Practical

Powerful action steps give your content a layer of practicality. It’s a technique you can use to turn abstract or theoretical thoughts into practical or realistic ideas.

Action steps are particularly helpful if you’re writing how-to guides. For instance, if you’re teaching people how to bake bread, make sure that you include a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Readers want to get something out of every content they read. And, they want it fast. This is what it means to contribute real value to your audience.

You can write exciting and engaging content, but adding action steps helps make your ideas applicable in your reader’s everyday lives.

9. Write in Your Readers’ Language

effective writing techniques - write in a language your readers understand
Niyazz / Shutterstock.com

Writing requires proficiency in the language you’re using. Meaning, the more knowledgeable you are of the language, the more effective you can be with your writing.

This means word choice, connotation, and tone are key. You need to study the words you’re using carefully.

For instance, American and Britons both communicate in English. But, there are key differences between American and British English. And, the vocabularies they use respectively.

One classic example is “football”.

So, if your readers are from the UK and you’re writing your content in American English, it could cause confusion to your readers. If you want to avoid confusing your readers, make sure that you’re writing their language.

Below are some notable language differences between American and British English.


  • British: trainers
  • Americans: sneakers
  • British: pullover
  • Americans: sweater
language differences
Image courtesty of Scoopwhoop.com


  • British: chips
  • Americans: french fries
  • British: crisps
  • Americans: potato chips

10. Appeal to Your Readers’ Senses

As the old adage says, “Show, don’t tell.” But is that even possible when you’re writing?

Of course!

Another effective writing method is to play with the five senses of your readers. Including sensory details from the five senses could help you bring your readers into your story world.

The best way to play with your readers’ senses is to sprinkle your content with sensory verbs and descriptive adjectives.

Here are some examples:

Sensory verbs

  • Sizzle
  • Hiss
  • Snap
  • Crash
  • Mumble
  • Amplify
  • Whisper
  • Humm
  • Scream
  • Glow
  • Soar

Sight Adjectives

  • Long
  • Round
  • Narrow
  • Colossal
  • Immense
  • Pretty
  • Flawless
  • Steep
the five human senses
Roi and Roi / Shutterstock.com

Smell Adjectives

  • Pungent
  • Balmy
  • Heady
  • Floral
  • Faint

Taste Adjectives

  • Sweet
  • Bitter
  • Bland
  • Moist
  • Savory
  • Spicy
  • Dry

Sound Adjectives

  • Brittle
  • Silent
  • Croaky
  • Dull
  • Dissonant
  • Squeaky
  • Speechless
  • Piercing
  • Faint
  • Noisy

Touch (Feel) Adjectives

  • Grainy
  • Grimy
  • Slippery
  • Slick
  • Cool
  • Crisp
  • Bumpy
  • Leathery
  • Thick
  • Dry
  • Filthy

11. Use Effective Writing Tools

Writing tools and apps can help you write more effectively. And, up your productivity by saving time.

They can also help ensure that your readability level is on target. Or, help you outline. Some help check your spelling and grammar or collaborate with editors.

There are plenty of applications that you can use out there, depending on your needs.

Why Effective Writing Matters

As a writer, it is your responsibility to provide your readers with high-quality content. This feat is achievable if you are using effective writing techniques.

Benefits of Using Effective Writing Techniques

Using effective writing techniques has the power to:

  1. Ensure that your work clearly conveys your ideas to your readers.
  2. Help assess and understand how your readers feel about your content. At the same time, effective writing can help make an emotional connection with your target audience
  3. Increase your productivity.
  4. Drive traffic to your site.
  5. Increase your sales and help you reach more customers.

Many great writers use words as a tool to empower others or to speak out about divisive issues. Some utilize it to educate people and disseminate information.

But, the driving force behind these powerful words is the effective techniques utilized by the writers to create their content.

How to Know if Your Writing Method is Working

After mastering the writing methods in this article, it’s now time to know if they’re working. If your writing approach is working, it will yield positive results.

There are two ways to know if your writing method is working. The first is to measure your content performance. The second way is to study feedback.

A young brunette girl wearing a dark green sleeveless t-shirt, ripped jeans, and grey sneakers sits on a hardwood floor with her laptop to one side and a giant smiley face thought bubble above her head.

Measure Your Content Performance

If you publish your content online, it’s essential to know how well it is performing. For instance, if your purpose for writing a blog is to attract more readers, measure your site traffic.

A few months after publishing your blog post, examine your organic traffic and see if there’s an increase in the number of visitors.

If there’s none, then your post is not gaining the traction you’re hoping for. This might mean that audiences do not find your content relevant to what they are searching. Or, your content is not visible to your audience.

Therefore, you may need to rethink your keyword research and re-optimize your article.

You should also consider your site’s authority and your backlink profile. Content exchanges are a great way to build links and authority. And, in turn, better position your content to rank well and increase in viability to your audience.

Finally, don’t neglect off-page SEO. This refers to elements like how fast your pages and site loads, image optimization, and more.

The same goes if you’re promoting a product or service. How’re your sales? Did it increase or nothing happened?

Read Feedback

Another way to know if you’re writing process is working is by reading comments from readers.

How are your readers responding to your content? Are readers appreciative or more critical of your work?

Don’t let negative feedback discourage you. Instead, use it to improve your writing.

Wrapping Up

Using the right techniques can make writing a potent communication tool.

You can use existing writing techniques, but you can also develop your own. If you’re a beginner, it’s best to experiment and see what works best for you.

Again, your writing techniques must be aligned with your objectives or goals. The right combination will always give you the best results.

Read More: How the Length of Your Content Influences Your SEO  

What is Integrated Marketing Communications?

Understanding How Integrated Marketing Communications Works

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a process that ensures brand promotions will maintain a consistent message across different media channels.

IMC might sound like a new concept, but it’s actually been around since the early 90s.

Here at INK, we’re all about helping you get more out of the time and resources you invest in your content. In this article, we will help you better understand IMC. We will also offer some tips on how you can use it to improve your sales and maximize your campaign’s cost-effectiveness.

How IMC Changed Media Advertising

Before the IMC concept was introduced in the early 90s, traditional marketing has always been a one-way feed.

Companies advertise their products and services through print and traditional media channels with little regard for their target customers. These promotions often end up uninformative and useless since they don’t cater to the needs, tastes, and values of people.

Traditional forms of mass media advertising before integrated marketing communications
BrAt82 / Shutterstock.com

However, as the technology to gather and analyze consumer data improved over time, marketers began paying attention to the purchasing patterns of people. This, plus the advent of more promotional channels, eventually led to the development of IMC.

From one-way feed, the advent of IMC shifted marketing into a two-way conversation between marketers and consumers. Here are some of the marketing trends that reflect how IMC changed the marketing landscape in the last two decades.

  • Adaption of multiple communications in marketing and advertising.
  • Targeting consumer tastes and preferences through niche media.
  • Adaption of data-based marketing.
  • Optimization of marketing channels to reach more target audience while minimizing the cost.

What is the Role of Integrated Marketing Communications?

Integrated Marketing Communications plays a crucial role in today’s digital marketing landscape. Its primary purpose is to ensure that all promotional tools are working in harmony by keeping all forms of communications linked together.

For the uninitiated, promotions have their own set of communications tools. These tools produce better results when they work together than in isolation.

role of integrated marketing communications
Hilch / Shutterstock.com

When your communications tools are working in harmony, they will give your promo campaign a consistent voice. Note that consistency is highly significant if you want your target audience to see the relevance of your promotions.

Integrated Marketing Communications combines modern and traditional marketing to ensure that promotions can reach all relevant stakeholders. It allows smooth and clear communication between consumers and marketers.

Advantages of Integrated Marketing Communications

Here are some of the key benefits of Integrated Marketing Communications.

Consistent Message

IMC ensures that promotional campaign messages remain consistent and clear across different channels.

There’s no telling when consumers might encounter your ad. It could be on their social media or emails.

Again, consistent information is the key if you want to gain the trust and attention of your target audience.

Cost Efficiency

Remember, producing content, images, and videos for your campaign could put a hole in your pocket.

Integrating your campaigns eliminates content duplicates. Getting rid of duplicates through IMC can save you a tremendous amount of resources.

Cutting Through Commercial Noise

IMC’s effectiveness often leads to an increase in profit. Again, a unified campaign message has more impact on costumers than a series of disorganized messages.

The goal is to cut through the noise created by thousands of commercial messages. A clear communication strategy increases your chance of doing so and reaching your target audience.

Ease of Access

IMC links your communications tools together. It will help you provide product information, reminders, recommendations, and special offers to your customers.

Also, IMC gives your customers a more convenient way of navigating through your purchasing process. This helps reduce decision paralysis and may lead to a successful purchase.

Disadvantages of IMCs

If there are advantages, IMC also has its disadvantages. Here are some of them.

Time and Expertise

The integration of marketing channels takes a lot of time and requires some degree of expertise. Plus, you must stop looking at marketing channels as independent entities because they will now work as one entity.


integrated marketing communications ia a data-driven approach to promote products
Artur Szczybylo / Shutterstock.com

You have to crunch some numbers. IMC is more data-focused, so you need to make sure that you have the necessary information to make it work. One of IMC’s main goals is to help you use your marketing resources more efficiently. So, be sure you’re tracking your efforts across all channels, week-over-week.

You should know who your target audiences and what their preferences are. If you don’t know this necessary information, you’ll have a hard time creating a message that could motivate people to check your brand.

Analyzing and Measuring Data

IMC requires measuring success and data points across many channels. You need to work with a team and agree on what success looks like before you start.

Which hashtags yield more engagement on social media? Do those same topics drive traffic to your blog? Both of these data points deliver important information about how your content resonates with your audience.

Review the results often and make course corrections as necessary. This will help you truly optimize your marketing initiatives and get more out of your investments.

None of the disadvantages listed here are really difficult to beat. That is if you and your team will approach IMC with full commitment.

Elements and Tools for IMC

Integrating your company’s marketing channels will require you to develop an effective communications plan. You can do this by using any of the IMC elements that you think suits your objectives.

Below are elements of IMC that you can use in planning your communications strategy.


Advertising is a paid form of product or service promotion. It uses various media channels like print, broadcast, network, electronic, and display.

As compared to other IMC elements, advertising has a broad geographical reach. Also, products and services promoted through advertising often receive high trust ratings from customers.

However, the biggest downside of advertising is that it’s one-way communication. It’s also expensive to produce and requires massive resources.

Public Relations

Unlike advertising, public relations is a two-way communication IMC tool.PR can help you create and foster your relationship with your target customers. It monitors feedback and adjusts your promotion’s message to maximize the benefit.

So, if you want to build your reputation and create a favorable brand image, PR is the best tool for you.

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is a promotional approach that encourages purchases by offering short-term incentives.

You may offer vouchers, discounts, and premiums to your customers in exchange for bulk orders or subscriptions. You can also attract retailers and resellers by offering volume discounts, display and merchandising allowances, and other incentives.

Sales Promotion
envastudio / Shutterstock.com

Direct Marketing

In direct marketing, you will communicate with your prospective clients directly using different channels. It could be via telephone (cold calling), email (email marketing), or the internet (forums and social media interactions).

Your goal is to persuade your target customers personally to buy your products or services.

Types of Integrated Marketing Communications

There are four basic types of Integrated Marketing Communications: internal, external, vertical, and horizontal integrations.

You can use any of the four to form a marketing and communications strategy that would help you and your company achieve your goals. Here’s how the four marketing integrations work to boost your integrated communications.


Internal marketing integration requires the action of your company’s top-level management. This is to ensure that all the employees are happy and motivated about new developments in marketing communications, products, or services.


External marketing integration is an approach wherein third-party firms are hired to handle the PR and marketing tasks of your company. These firms will be in charge of designing and developing marketing strategies that suit your company’s products and services.


Vertical marketing integration requires that all means of marketing and communication must fit your company’s corporate policies and structure. Meaning, new products and services being developed should be within the breadth of your company’s goals and mission.


Horizontal marketing integration brings together different departments onboard one initiative. For instance, making communications, distribution, and finance departments work together.

That’s while ensuring there’s an open flow of communication between these different departments to create the most effective marketing strategy.

How to Create an Integrated Marketing Campaign

Developing an integrated marketing campaign is a lot more complicated than creating social media campaigns or running a billboard. There’s no perfect way to execute an ideal campaign using IMC.

However, by considering all the components that could affect the perception of your target audience, you can come up with an effective IMC strategy.

Here’s a quick guide on how to create an effective integrated marketing campaign.

Set Goals and Objectives

The first thing to do when planning your integrated marketing communications campaigns is to set your goals and objectives. It’s crucial that all teams involved in the campaign must have a clear understanding of your shared goals.

Even the slightest uncertainty around your campaign’s set of objectives could lead to contrasting results from different departments.

Creating a marketing campaign begins with setting the right goals and objectives
Tiko Aramyan / Shutterstock.com

To avoid such a thing from happening, make sure that you work with the parties involved when setting your goals. You must ensure that all teams are fully invested because the IMC process requires insight from all involved parties.

Potential Insight

For an integrated marketing campaign to succeed, you mush have a clear and compelling potential insight. There are four areas where you can source your possible idea: your business, your product, your market, and your audience.

To gain better insight, ask yourself some of these questions:

  • What is the culture of your business?
  • How is your brand perceived?
  • Is your product or service mature or emerging?
  • What are the most reliable features of your products and services?
  • Is your product sales growing or shrinking?
  • What are its benefits?
  • What do you want your target audience to believe?
  • Do they care about products or services? Why or why not?
  • What stops your target customers from buying your products?

Having clear insight can help you create ideas that will allow your integrated marketing campaign to pierce through the noise and capture people’s attention.

Media Channel Planning

To meet your company’s marketing objectives, you must determine the media channels that you’re going to use. You need it to drive efficiencies across all your media channels.

So, consider doing the following:

Outline the roles of each media channel. Create a document that details how your proposed role for each channel is aligned with the company’s objectives.

Media detail. After defining the role of each media channel, explain how and where they would be used.

Guidelines and best practices. To minimize mistakes and inefficiencies, make sure that you set a list of guidelines that people involved in the project must follow.

Customer Data

As mentioned, Integrated Marketing Communications is data-focused. Aside from driving traffic, paying attention to feedback and other customer data could improve your retention.

It’s common for marketers to review customer data at the end of each campaign. However, looking at data while the campaign is running is a smart way to know if your media channels are being utilized efficiently.


Integrated Marketing Communications is crucial in creating a seamless experience for your target customers across different aspects of the marketing mix. It can reinforce your brand’s core image and reputation by ensuring that all your marketing communications channels are working together as a one.

Without a clear communications strategy, a promo message could easily get lost in the constant stream of content that swarms people’s media feeds today. IMC can help amplify your brand voice by ensuring your campaign has a coordinated message.

Consistent messaging across different media channels is an excellent way to promote your products and services. Also, it’s the best approach if you want to change people’s perception of your company’s values and offerings.

Read More: The Definitive Guide To Keyword Research