Grammar 9 min read

A Quick Guide to Using the Question Mark❓

Question marks express doubt or let you know that something needs an answer. This brief grammar guide has everything you need use this curvy glyph correctly.

Main Question Mark Takeaways:

  • Use Question marks to express doubt.
  • A question mark usually shows that a sentence is a direct question.
  • Indirect questions don’t always need a question mark.
  • Question marks go at the end of simple sentences.
  • When you need to use a question mark with other punctuation, remember that the rules for punctuating sentences with quotation marks and parentheses are similar.
  • Informal writing styles combine question marks with other forms of punctuation to add meaning, clarity, and personality.

When you speak, your voice naturally rises in pitch at the end of a question. This is a signal to the person you’re talking with that you’re looking for an answer.

When it comes to the written word, punctuation helps accomplish the same signal. This is where the question mark comes in.

What is a Question?

A question is a type of sentence that expresses doubt. When you need more information or something is unclear, questions help get the response you need. Basically, a question is a way to format a sentence so you can acquire information or elicit a response. Questions are designed to get answers. Questions can be direct or indirect.

Remember, interrogative clauses or phrases require the use of a question mark.
Remember, interrogative clauses or phrases require the use of a question mark.

Direct Questions

A direct question is the most basic form of inquiry. It generally begins with an interrogative such as who, what, where, when, why, or how.

Then, it ends with a question tag. The goal of this type of question is to get a direct response.

What is your favorite horror film?

Indirect Questions

An indirect question is a question that’s hidden inside a regular statement.

It may start with an indicator such as, “I was wondering…”

However, these can also hide inside a command or another question. Punctuation can vary depending on the type of sentence that contains the indirect question.

I’m asking whether he likes watching horror films.

This example shows an indirect question embedded in a statement.

Do you ever wonder if he likes watching horror films?

In this example, we show an indirect question embedded in another sentence.

Let me know if he likes watching horror films.

This example shows an indirect question embedded in a command.

What is a Question Mark?

A question mark is one of 14 punctuation marks that bring clarity to written language. Its primary purpose is to show that a sentence is a direct question. It’s also known by its less familiar names such asquestion tag, question symbol, interrogation point, query, and eroteme.

Where Do You Put a Question Mark?

If you ask a direct question in the English language, the question mark goes at the end of the sentence. In this way, it replaces the period or exclamation point as the terminal punctuation. However, for more complex sentences that use additional punctuation, the query mark may be placed elsewhere. This is especially true for sentences that use quotation marks or parentheses when posing the question. In these cases, special rules may apply.

Our voice rises in pitch at the end of a question, signaling that a response or answer is needed from the person we're talking with.
Our voice rises in pitch at the end of a question, signaling that a response or answer is needed from the person we’re talking with.
(Straightforward question)Do I really have to tell you not to eat ice cream before dinner?

1. Sentences That Include Quotation Marks

If your sentence includes quotation marks, follow these simple rules to determine if the question mark goes inside or outside the quotes.

If the question tag relates to the words or phrases inside the quotation marks, it belongs inside the quotation marks.

For the second time that week, she asked him, “Did you really eat three ice cream sundaes?”

It should be placed at the end if it relates to the entire sentence rather than what’s inside the quotes.

What did you mean when you said, “Don’t make a scene”?

If the question mark applies to the words in the quotes and the entire sentence, use it just once, inside your quotation marks.

Did anyone ever ask you, “Do you want to go to college?”

2. Sentences That Include Parentheses

When punctuating sentences with parentheses, the rules for using question marks are almost identical to the rules for using quotation marks.

If your query sits inside the parentheses, the question mark also belongs inside the parentheses. Since the question mark shows the phrase is a question, it’s logical that the phrase and the question mark need to stick together.

Jennifer bought ice cream (or was it sherbet?) at the grocery store yesterday.

If the question mark applies to the entire sentence rather than what’s inside the parentheses, then it should be placed at the end.

Will you buy us ice cream (or sherbet) tomorrow?

3. Combining a Question Mark with Other Forms of Punctuation

In formal written language, pairing a question mark with another type of punctuation is, well, questionable. In informal written language, however, this symbol is often combined with other forms of punctuation to provide additional meaning.

The Interrobang

The interrobang is an exclamation point superimposed on a question symbol. It looks something like this:

Although it’s finding a place in informal written language, the interrobang is still considered a nonstandard form of punctuation.

It’s designed to indicate an exclamation that takes the form of a question.

It can also be expressed by using a combination of question marks and exclamation points such as:

  • !?
  • ?!
  • !?!
  • ?!?.
We combine question mark with other punctuations to add extra meaning to our statement.
We combine question mark with other punctuations to add extra meaning to our statement.
Are you seriously using nonstandard punctuation in formal writing?!?

4. Multiple Question Marks

You can express urgency in your question by using multiple question marks at the end of your statement. It can also indicate sarcasm or a special significance to the question. Many grammar purists find this usage to be nothing less than rude. So, unless it’s in casual correspondence, using multiple question marks may be asking for trouble.

What Does 3 Question Marks Mean?

There is no specific rule about the number of question marks that you can use in your sentence. But while it’s not technically wrong, it’s considered non-standard punctuation and may be perceived as rude.

Using two question marks is generally acceptable. It has become common in digital messaging, especially if you want to emphasize disbelief, urgency, or surprise. For instance, when a close friend you haven’t seen in a while messaged you “I’m coming home for Christmas!” your text (sentence) set off by two question marks may mean the following:

(disbelief) Is that for real??
(urgency) When is your flight??
(surprise)Are you??

Meanwhile, using three or more question marks may seem like overkill. Again, it’s not downright wrong, since it’s non-standard punctuation, but it is unnecessary and may give your sentence a negative tone. In some situations, people use it to imply sarcastic incredulity.

Are you really planning to go to Harvard???
Do you believe you’ll make it to the top???
She’s coming to the party? Seriously???

Using multiple question marks is more for visual, literary effect. It’s generally accepted in informal writing and could affect your reader’s perception. However, when it comes to formal writing, one question mark is more than enough to get your point across.

Indirect Questions and Their Relationship to the Question Mark

When constructing sentences around indirect questions, should this sentence have a question mark?

The answer depends on the type of sentence you’re using.

1. When to Use a Period

You use a period instead of a question mark for statements that contain indirect questions.

I was wondering if you think eating ice cream before dinner is out of the question.
Tell me if you think eating ice cream before dinner is a good idea.

The only time you use a question mark for an indirect question is when it lives inside another query.

Do you know if any of the kids were eating ice cream before dinner?

In this example, “Do you know?” is the direct question. The indirect question is whether any of the kids were eating ice cream before dinner.

2. How to Express Doubt

The question symbol is also useful when expressing uncertainty or in labeling potentially inaccurate information, especially in nonfiction or mathematics.

The party begins at 3:00 (?) next Sunday. I’ll double-check the time.

In this example, 3:00 is the information in question, as indicated by a question mark set alone inside parentheses.

Riddle Me This: The Question Mark in Popular Culture

Probably the most famous example of the question mark in popular culture is Batman’s nemesis, The Riddler. Or, the villainous alter ego of Edward Nygma.

The Riddler is renowned for his keen intellect and believes life is full of questions (otherwise known as riddles). He’s easily identified by his green question mark suit and question mark-shaped cane.

Batman's nemesis, the Riddler, dons a green costume covered in question mark.
Pop Culture: Batman’s nemesis, The Riddler, dons a green costume covered in question mark. | Art and Roam /

From its pop culture appearance to its part in creating new forms of punctuation, the question mark is an instantly recognizable symbol.

It can let a reader know they’re being asked a question, and it can be used to label uncertain information. It can also provide clarity or emphasis in informal communication modes such as social media or email.

Nobody will question the questions in your content if you understand the main principles of this curvy punctuation symbol. Now, do you have any questions before you go?

Quick Question Mark to Help you Master Your New Skills

Question Mark Quiz #1

Which sentence is correct?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is C. The question tag relates to the entire sentence rather than what’s inside the quotes.

Question Mark Quiz #2

Which sentence is correct?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is B. The question tag relates to the sentence inside the quotation marks.

Question Mark Quiz #3

Which sentence is correct?
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is A. Since the query is within parentheses, the question mark also belongs inside the parentheses.

Question Mark Quiz #4

Multiple question marks at the end of a statement can indicate urgency or sarcasm
Correct! Wrong!

The answer is TRUE. Note that multiple question marks are only ideal for casual correspondence.

Question Mark Quiz Result

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Almost got it! Review the article and try again.

Almost got it! Review the article and try again.

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Pam Weber

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, Writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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  1. Robert Kevin February 03 at 3:13 am GMT

    Very well thought out materials .

    • Rechelle Ann Fuertes March 17 at 11:38 am GMT

      Hi Robert! Thank you for the positive feedback. We hope that this post has helped you. Let us know if there’s anything else that we can do to make this article better. Have a great day!

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